Chapter 15

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I am watching TV with Aelia in the living room when Mia comes in, all excited. I know Mia is always excited, but right now it's a little more.

"I have a surprise," she beams. "But promise me that you won't be mad."

Shit, that's not good. It's never good when she makes you promise not to get mad. She probably did something crazy, like buy an alpaca or something.

"Mia, if you think that the person might get mad at the surprise, don't make the surprise." I reply.

"Such a mood killer!" She rolls her eyes and pulls my arm, saying, "Come on, I'm sure you'll like it."

We follow her to the kitchen.

"Stay here. It would have been better in the living room, but apparently someone can't stop cooking for a minute," she says, shooting Austin a look before going out. She comes back a minute later with...

What the fuck? This better be a nightmare. It can't be true; I must have fallen asleep on the couch. I am exhausted, and the movie Aelia chose is pretty boring, to be honest, so no one can blame me for falling asleep in the middle of it.

"Hello, son," the man says. Her surprise better be a fucking alpaca, because if this is the surprise, it won't last long because I'm going to kill it.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I shout, my blood boiling. "This better not be your fucking surprise, Mia. What the fuck is he doing here?"

It has been over seventeen years since I last saw him. I will never forget that day, the day I nearly lost my life and got lifetime trauma.

"What do you mean, what is he doing here? He is our father, Jake. He-"

"He is not our father!"

"I-" He tries to say something, but I don't give him the time to.

"Get the fuck out of my house! You know damn well you don't have the right to be here. I swear I will not hesitate to fucking kill you."

"Jake! What the hell is wrong with you? You can't talk to our father like that."

"Our father?" I can't believe this, "This piece of shit standing right here is not our fucking father. It takes more than getting a woman pregnant to be a fucking father, Mia."

"I know I haven't been a good father. I have been absent for most of your lives, but I am here now, and I want to get to know each of you. I want to make it up to you, I love all of you, I always did," he dares to say. I can't believe this. He is joking, right? He hasn't been a good father? No, he hasn't been a father at all.

"Get the fuck out of my fucking house."

"Are you going to stand there and let him kick our father out? Do something!" Mia shouts at Austin, who seems unbothered by what's happening. He is more interested in his chicken.

"Are you really asking me to take the side of this random stranger instead of standing by my brother's side? The brother who raised me? Who raised you!" he answers calmly. "You say you want to make it up to us? You're seventeen years too late, man," he says to Robert.

I was almost five when he left. Mia was two, but Austin was not born. This is why Austin has my mother's last name, Adams.

"I can't believe you guys!" Mia sighs. "He is here because he wants to make things better. You could at least give him a chance."

"A chance, you say? If you knew about half of what he did, you wouldn't even be able to look at him without throwing up."

"Suck it up, Jake! We all know you love playing the father, but you are not our dad. He is."

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