🍀Here i am🍀

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Do you believe to fate?
Me: yes
Have you ever seen your future on your dream?
Me: maybe i cant remember!
Do you love someone.?
Me: yes of course i think without love living is dull like dool
Have ever someone love you back.
Me: i havent told that person about my feeling
Yes that kind of thought coming to zb1 fake maknae Matthew mind but why he is thinking about it right now he has important things to do which is gather as zb1 with other member , he was so over the moon because of he is same group with his favourite hyung Sung Hanbin. He is unsure , he likes him or not but everytime he spend time with him he feel something uneasy maybe its new feeling this to him and never felt this kind of feeling before ! Yes this can be. His heart beats always increases whenever he is with his hyung , feels butterfly on his stomach. Yes this can be LOVE . He come from his room for gathering with members they were chatting each other it was Gunwook turn: im very happy being with you guys all this times ! I love you all he did big heart sign!
Gyubin: i didnt even imagine i will reach high and be group with you all ! Lets be happy he hugged Jiwoong while his tear shedding. Hanbin smiled while doing "awww" sound he added: lets be together and go further as much we can ! Other members just agreed while nodding.
Jiwoong: should we creat kakao talk group?
Yujin: yes so be can disscuss other things! But before that can we order chicken im starving!
Rest members laughed seeing Yujin aegyo.
Hao mumbled: cutie~
Hanbin also commented: our maknae so cute isnt it ? He pinched Yujin cheeks rest of all member also tried to do this but not Matthew he didnt like when Hanbin give attention to other. He just wanted it over soon so he said: i will order chicken ! I think Yujin 's cheeks getting red so let go of him. All members just did what Matthew said.
Ricky: Matthew -ya i will order
Matthew: k then other spicy fried chicken , chicken wings, cola , soda , nuggets , salat, cheeseball, also waffle with cream that for desert he smiled
Ricky: woah ! Okay i will see started order and few minutes he said done!
Jiwoong: other dont want anything i will pay !
Yujin: can i get pudding and cake?
Jiwoong smiled and patted Yujin's hair and: of course he mumbled "cutie" part.
While waiting order Taerea suggested game name " im ground" ricky started : jiwoong xyung 3 jiwoong said out of speed and he said: Matthew 2 Matthew were spaced out somewhere else he just sit his chair blank jiwoong again reply: matthew 2 then Matthew went like : oh oh what what?? His confused expression look cute all members laughed.
Jiwoong: you out Matthew
Matthew sat in a silent just his eyes following other members direction its hanbin turn he have to say his name like 5 times he was out of air ricky said : you out and smiled. Hanbin join to Matthew asked: you okay ? He touched him
Matthew: yes why wouldnt i?
Hanbin: you look spaced out more so i came to ask.?
Matthew: if its just because asking then pls i gotta go he left conversation. Hanbin looks more confuse now! Why ? What happen to Matthew.?
Taerae was next prey for rest of members so he is out. He sit next to Hanbin asked: what happened about sunshine ? He looks mad!
Hanbin: dunno?
Taerae: okay will follow him then he left Hanbin to join Matthew company Matthew was his room.
Taerae: soo our sunshine wanna grab ice cream .?
Matthew looked him: its 12 pm here !
Taerae: its okay but can you tell me whats happining to you?
Matthew: Dunno Rae just im feeling something uneasy, im feeling it from beginning o of Hanbin hyung and hao hyung good relationship. I cant take it anymore whenever he close to someone who isnt me it burning out here he show his heart. Its like im jealous. I dont want feel this feeling why it hurts so much?
Taerea: Matthew just you was close to Hanbin until now so you cant take it now he is being close to anyone its okay u will used to it. I dont think its LOVE so dont feel pressure just rest and eat more.
Matthew: thank you and he hug him tight
Taerae knew it love but he want Matthew be happy as always without getting hurt from someone because Matthew is too pure that kind of cruel amd flirthy feeling. Also he knows that Hanbin love Hao so he wanted to help Matthew with this way. He said: whenever u will worried or sick just tell me anything here i am always for you
Matthew again smiled. Gun wook came to call Matthew to deliver : Matthew hyung order is here come faster!
Matthew just go back to hall of their dorm!
This ep was kinda boring or dull im sorry i write it 01: 30 so im lil bit sleepy i suddenly decided write it i hope u like it🥺🌻
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Love you my #ppusamz
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