back in obx

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"the missing teens from obx have finally returned safely, back to their families" sarah shut the news off back at the chateau. she had no where to go so she basically moved in with john b.

cleo moved into popes old room so at least they had each other. popes parents were hesitant to let their son out of their sight again, but they understood the need to be around the rest of the pogues.

kies parents were the same way except they were harder to convince. they tried to get her to go to therapy and buy her materialistic things that might make her happy, but all she wanted was to see her friends. when they realized that's all that was on her mind, they made a deal. if she saw a therapist she could see her friends. she also had to check in everywhere she ran off to.

jj hasn't even walked in the direction of his house yet. it's been 3 days since they've been back and part of him secretly wishes they were still on the island. their problems seemed nonexistent while they were there compared to obx. jjs been crashing on the pull out at the chateau like he was used to doing, but something felt off.

"i wish kie was here" sarah sighed setting the remote down "she's all alone" she added. it was 2am and none of the 3 could sleep. "i mean at least pope and cleo are in the same house... maybe i can convince her parents to sleep over or something" sarah continued to ramble. jj was staring out into space with a joint in his hand. he missed kiara too, she would be smoking this with him.

"yea you should go over there tomorrow" john b encouraged. john b also missed her. she's the closest thing he has to a sister, and as sarah pointed out she's all alone in her room. they've seen kie for all of 1 hour since getting back to obx. her parents took days of convincing to even reach a point where she could see the pogues, and it was only to tell her friends about the agreement. kie had her first therapy appointment scheduled for tomorrow, and in order to start their new system, she had to go to the appointment first.

"i'm gonna go see her" jj spoke softly suddenly scrambling through one of the drawers in the kitchen. "it's in the one against the wall over there" john b pointed. he knew what jj was looking for, their "trap" phone as jj liked to call it. when any of them used to get their phones taken away, they bought a cheap flip phone and kept it in the drawer under shit like batteries and scissors. the whole grounding thing isn't so much of an issue now, so they just use it for emergencies. jj decided this was an emergency.

he didn't have any money saved for a new phone, none of them did, but he needed to see kiara. he was going crazy without listening to her breathe at night, or feeling the warmth radiate from her body.

jj found the flip phone and started biking over to kiaras house. he called kiara 3 times before she picked up. "jj? what the hell its 2 am" she groaned "i'm on my way over" he replied "are you crazy? my parents are gonna kill me if find out i snuck out" she gasped "then i'll sneak in" jj was so determined to see her. "let me know when you get here" kie gave into the blonde boys requests.

he rode faster than he ever has until he reached the carrera house. he stealthily climbed up her front porch, over the shed by the garage, and through her window. kie grabbed his arm and dragged him in, careful not to make any noise.

"we're all worried about you kie" jj started "i mean you're all alone up here and-" kie cut him off, "look i'm fine ok? all i have to do is see this stupid therapist tomorrow and then i can hang out" "sarah's gonna come try and convince your parents to let you sleep over at the chateau tomorrow" he replied kicking his shoes off. kie smiled upon hearing those words. she looked at jjs face and said, "have you been sleeping?" jj looked guiltily away from her. kie sighed and continued "i'm having trouble sleeping too" "oh yea? you sounded wide awake when i called you earlier" he grinned "ha ha" she flicked him "that's the first time i've been able to sleep thanks to those" she pointed at a bottle of sleeping pills on her desk "and i took them about half an hour before you came over" she added.

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