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It was a bright morning. Today, for the first time in his life Naruto was going to an actual school. He grabbed a jute bag which had a slate and chalk in it. "I am leaving mom" he said as he stepped his foot out of the hut. "Wait Naruto!" Kushina came running and grabbed his hand "I will drop you. Today is your first day I must come with you". Soon they began walking. After many years the life has returned in Kushina's eyes.

Her son would finally stand on par with other children. But there was one thought that disturbed her "Naruto" he looked at her "You are 7 years old right?". Both of them sweatdropped. Actually, living in abject poverty and struggles had made them unaware of the day and date. "Y-yes mom" Naruto replied shakingly.

In about half an hour travelling while hiding from villagers they reached the school 'The Academy'. Naruto's eyes widened as he looked at the name. It was the best school for human children that was there. It was a dream for every child to study here. 'How could mother afford this?' He questioned.

What made Kushina a special case was her daily expenses. Being forced to live in a leafy hut she did not need much money for maintainance also given that it was family of just two members. Otsutsukis couldnt exploit tax from her since they wouldnt even imagine a alone women living in dense forest with a 7 year child.

Naruto understood that the part she had to compromise was the food. "Why mom?" Kushina looked at him "there was no need to get me into this school. Any local school would have been fine".

"I want you to study in the best for your primary grade atleast. Once you reach high school I will find a way to get more mone--"

"That is not the point" Naruto interrupted "you barely get to eat anything. Why would you spend the money on this school if could have admitted to any school? Food for the stomach is much more essential...survival is much more essential.".

Kushina ruffled Naruto's hair and said "This school Naruto....has produced most number of freedom fighters. You know the person who got closest to defeat the Otsutsuki champion 'Toneri' studied here. His name was 'Minato'.

Naruto's eyes widened "Dad studied here?" He looked at the school with awe. "But he lost did'nt he" Naruto said in a gloomy tone. "I do'nt want to be a freedom fighter like dad. I only and only want to protect you".

"Alright alright we will talk about that later now go" she patted on Naruto's head and pointed at the direction of school gate. They waved at each other and walked at their destination.

Naruto was immersed in the environment of the school. Children in well groomed outfit talking to each other and laughing. There was a faint smile on his face as he looked at others. The thought of finally making a friend, studying, having was exciting for a seven year old soul.

But he did not know where to head next. Where was his classroom. He looked around to find someone of his age but everyone looked much taller. He soon found a familiar face. In fact it was a whole group. The same group which he would see fighting every evening.

Naruto was hesistant but he decided to make a move. "Excuse me" he said. The group looked at a short small boy who wore scratched shirt and short. "Yes what is it?" Asked Sasuke. "I am new admission in this school so I was....not able to find my.."

"What is your age" Sakura asked "se-seven" he replied. The group looked at each other in amazement. He was so small and fragile that it was difficult for them to take him as same age as theirs.
"But you are so short. You really are seven?" Kiba asked which left Naruto bewildered.

"Anyways. We are seven too. Come with us we will be in same cla--"

"How much does your family earn?" Sasuke asked interrupting choji. The question came out of nowhere which stunned them. "How much does your family earn?" He asked again.

Naruto: Varying idealsWhere stories live. Discover now