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Next day

It was an official holiday today declared by Queen as today was the match between the Champion and Toneri. For a newcomer it would be a street full of humans but had it been a decade ago he wouldn't be able to move properly.

Only a few that came from a wealthy family had come. One could spot clan leaders from all over the world present there. The pathway had a clear-cut partition, one narrow side used by humans to travel to the arena while the broader road was for Otsutsukis, who arrived there in their luxurious carts.

"Today we will win! Right tou-san" asked a kid to his father who just smiled at him half heartedly. It seemed there were also quite few hopefuls on human's side. While for some it was a day that may bring light to their world there was a large number that had just come because they had a free ticket.

To keep enthusiasm and the flame of will alive in the humans, clan leaders would buy and distribute a lot of tickets to the villagers.

While people differed in their intentions to watch the fight, right now, everyone's eyes were on a tall figure with a long attire who walked among them. Due to centuries of oppression and lack of nutrition, the average height of humans was 5 foot 2. Only warrior clans had tall members being about 5 foot 8. So the unknown guy who was clearly near about 6 foot was an eye turner.

"Hey everyone is looking at us" slowly whispered the tall man who wore a hoodie.

"This was the only way. Well don't talk right now or people will start suspecting" a low voice came from below him. The tall guy was no other but Naruto sitting on Neji's shoulders.

"Bro's lower half walks before his upper half" chuckled Sasuke to which everyone smiled. Soon they reached the gate, "Ticket!" Asked the guard to which Naruto reached for his pocket.

The guard frowned as for him it seemed that the man was scratching his pubes and pulled out the ticket. The guard was disgusted to even accept the ticket but he was pulled out of his thought when he saw his very thin arm.

He checked out the guy up and down twice and just before he could come to an conclusion he heard a voice "how long is it going take my friend" when the guard looked behind the man he saw Itachi, "I-Itachi-sama" he saluted before letting the man walk inside the arena.

As the group passed they let out a deep sigh "so it this the new guy you talked about Sasuke?" Everyone's eyes widened as they slowly looked beside them to find Itachi "wh-what are y-you talking about nii-san?" Sasuke replied with sweatdrop.

Itachi softly pulled out the hoodie which exposed Naruto's head. "You are Naruto right?" Itachi aksed to which Naruto nodded in reply. "You can climb down now" he said to which Naruto scratched his back letting a soft chuckle out.

"Today's match" everyone looked at Itachi as he said "it will teach you a lot. Watch carefully". Everyone nodded to him and started walking. Just then Itachi took a different turn from group "what happened Nii-san?" Sasuke asked.

"I will meet Gai sensei before joining you all" he said as he started walking. Naruto and the group walked a narrow alleyway.
"Gai sensei is super strong he will definitely win" said lee to which everyone agreed.

"I hope this doesn't turn out like Minato-sama" said Hinata to which everyone got silent "I-I mean Gai sensei i strong I know b-but what I-I am s-saying is that--"

"He should not get himself killed" Interrupted Naruto. There was an awkward silent that engulfed the group. "Have you ever met Minato-sama? Naruto?" Asked Lee.

"N-no" he replied. "Even I have not. But I know Gai sensei. To me he is someone just as strong as Minato. I can't imagine him loosing" Lee said.

"That's what everyone said about Minato-sama too remember. But in the end he died...leaving humans with an irrecoverable damage. Atleast the other Champions had decency to not make a bet costing fellow humans" Said Shikamaru.

Naruto: Varying idealsWhere stories live. Discover now