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With fruits in his hands Naruto was sitting beside his mother waiting to for her to wake up. He had managed to bring fence him and his mother with few boulders but that was all. Even he knew that as the night gets darker the threats on them increases.

With soft grunts of pain, Kushina opened her eyes looking up at the nights sky.  Remembering the day she had today she frantically looked around to find Naruto sitting right beside. With a smile brighter than ever he placed his head on her chest and started crying with happiness.

With her eyes wide opened questioning herself of how they came here, she rubbed her hands on Naruto's back consoling him. "B-but how did we come here?"

"Wh-when you fainted on the ground I didn't know what to do next. Otsutsukis were already behind us. So with all my might I dragged you here. I-I don't even know the name of the forest we are in but I know the way out. I memorised it.

"Oh my son!" She hugged him caressing his hairs. By his description, she thought that they must not be very far from the village of clouds since Naruto can't drag her far away. But she was wrong. In fact they were not very far away from their home.

She tried to get up but a twitching  pain rushed through her back as she flinched. "Wait kaa-san you rest" Naruto said in a worryful voice. He placed few fruits that he had collected in Kushina's hands but even he knew that it was not enough. To be able to travel tomorrow they need enough rest and food for energy.

With this in his mind he stood up from his place "kaa-san I will go and look for something to eat, you please wait—" suddenly he was struck with a realisation that he cannot leave his mother alone in such condition. He was facing a great dilemma now. "Don't worry about me Naruto" Kushina continued "but come back before it gets too dark".

With a gentle smile on his face he started moving keeping in mind that he has to return as soon as possible.


Central Market,
At the borders of Konoha village.

"Tou-san, the market still feels if nothing has happened today" said Hinata to her father. "They lost their will of fire. For them today's event does not concern nor affect their daily struggles of survival. Until the next champion comes they won't have any hopes" Hiashi replied.

"But when will the next champion come Hiashi-sama? Gai sensei is our current champion right?"  Asked Shikamaru. "Because they know Gai sensei won't win" interrupted Neji "Minato-sama, one of the strongest we had couldn't defeat Toneri. So how can Gai sensei win? I bet everyone thinks the same".

"Don't say that Neji. If young ones like you give up then who will free the humanity. Minato was exceptional talent no doubt about that but you and Sasuke are no different. The level at which you both are at right now you will surpass Minato. Just keep practising.".

After a moment of silence as they walked on the market streets Hinata spoke "But Tou-san" Hinata continued hesitantly "why do we participate in the annual tournament? Why can't we just retaliate like Akatsuki?".

"Rebellions and organisations have existed for a  long time Hinata...even before you and I were born. Yet we didn't get any results. Each time an attack failed the humans would be imposed with greater cruelty." Hiashi replied.

"But even the annual tournament has existed for a very long time. We didn't get results even over there" argued Shikamaru.

"If we give the people the same sense of protection then their 'will' will be restored" said Neji.

With a sigh leaving his mouth, Hiashi decided to sit at a street stall to explain them " 4 bowls meat and rice please..."


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