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"Kaa-san!" Naruto screamed in joy as he saw his mother standing on her legs again. Drenched in water with a pair of fish in his hand he rushed towards her. This was the best morning he has had from past several years.

"I thnk we can move back to our house now" Kushina said as she tested her legs. "What? You need to rest more! Moreover why do we need to go back?"

"This place is not safe Naruto. I know this place. This used to be one of Akatsuki's hideout long long ago. This placed might be frequently visited by Otsutsukis" she replied.

"Akatsuki?" Naruto frowned "it was a rebellious organisation that consisted very strong people. It's objective was to kill the Queen and the Otsutsuki champion to facilitate the freedom of humans. Unfortunately every Akatsuki got killed including Jiraiya sensei. Do you remember Jiraiya sensei?"

Naruto scratched his head as he tried to remember Jiraiya "ofcourse you don't" Kushina said "he died before you were born. Minato would tell you his stories when you were baby"

Naruto and Kushina softly sat as Naruto kept the fish in his hand "we will need fire to cook that" Kushina got up and collected the dry leaves and wood "Kaa-san!" Naruto called "do you think that our ancestors had supernatural powers like fire, water or something like that?"

Kushina smiled softly as she rubbed the rocks against each other to generate fire "Did you hear this story from that old man?" Naruto nodded to her "it's just a story Naruto. If we had something like that then we wouldn't be in this condition right? Jiraiya sensei and your tou-san both believed in that story initially , as time passed Jiraiya sensei's belief in it increased but Minato's belief decreased. At one point they both separated their paths" as soon as fire was lit they started to cook the fish.


At Akatsuki Hideout near Uchiha House.

Wind blew the dried leaves off the battle ground slightly grazing the people standing there. Fresh morning sun-rays penetrating through the gaps of tree leaves fell on the battle ground as if nature was announcing beginning of something new. It was indeed an important morning. Next few minutes were going to separate two kids who would both play a crucial role in the future.

Neji and Sasuke stood against each other in their fighting outfits. Surrounding the ground were members from all the clans

"Who do you think will win?"

"Neji is more muscular and taller than Sasuke so he will win"

"Yeah but Sasuke has great movements too moreover he is an Uchiha"

"He is an Uchiha but he has not yet reached puberty so it will be an even match"

The discussions were never ending. Two of the strongest fighters of current generation were facing each other in an actual dual. "Everyone!" Hinata ran towards the group. "How did this happen Hinata?" Sakura asked.

"We lost to a kid yesterday in the market, me , Neji and Shikamaru all together" everyone's eyes widened at her words "Tou-san was not happy with us...especially with Neji. He also lost to a skinny kid who was physically weaker than us. Though he lost because he tried to defend me but Tou-san wouldn't understand"

"So he wanted to test Neji against Sasuke?" Asked  Lee. Hinata nodded in agreement.

"Hiashi-sama suddenly came to the hideout and announced the fight. He said that if we can't even defeat a common market thief then our generation will fail in future" Kib's words struck them in the heart. It was true though, even they understood it deep in their heart.

"COME FORWARD BOTH OF YOU!" The referee announced.

Looking at each other in the eyes both arrived close to the centre. Both had the spirit to fight but it was not their usual fight. It was their first official fight. Even though it's not said, their clans name were riding on it which drew the elders eyes to the battle.

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