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With the first ray of light, Kushina woke up to begin her day. She prayed to god for few seconds and when she looked beside her she didn't find Naruto sleeping. "Where is he so early in the morning?".  She looked for Naruto in the hut but couldn't find him. Just then she heard soft striking sounds outside.

When she headed towards the direction she found       a pure gem of a view. Under the green tree shining in the soft sunlight Naruto was training his punches on the tree. That fire and power was visible in the sound of his strike. The sweat dripping from his body that sparkled in the light, it was as if she was seeing her husband training.

"Naruto!" She called him. Naruto did not answer her. He was in a trance, constantly thinking about his fight that he would be facing today. "I lost. I lost. I never thought I would loose to anyone. But was exciting. Fighting after so many years again. Maybe...Maybe I do want to become a freedom fighter" as he kept murmuring his strikes got harder.

Suddenly his fist was caught by Kushina "Enough Naruto look at your hands!" Naruto realised that his knuckles were covered in blood. "Get yourself ready you must not be late to the school".

Just after Kushina said, she went back inside the hut. Naruto softly sat on the ground and applied his saliva on his wounds 'wow. In this condition I cannot challenge Neji for another fight.'
"NNARUTOOOOOOO! ARE YOU COMING OR NOT!" Naruto flinched at Kushina's  scream as he shot up and ran towards the hut.



"Bye nii-san" Sasuke left the house as he waved his hands to Itachi. "It's here Itachi" konan said. They both walked a little distance and soon entered a dusty broken house. The house was being cleaned by members of the clans that had joined to form Akatsuki. "Good morning Itachi-san" members greeted Itachi as he walked along Konan. "There it is" Konan pointed at a big wooden box kept in the middle of the room. Itachi approached and soon he was joined by other leaders in the room.

Asuma, Konan, Deidara, Kakashi, Inoichi, Kurenai gathered intently around the box. "We have been waiting for you Itachi" Kakashi continued "according to 'the snake' this is what that should contain the weapons. "We also got our hands on this guy" Asuma signaled the members and soon they dragged in a man whose face was covered in black cloth. He was forced to sit on the chair in front of the leaders and tied his hands and legs to it.

"He was the one that was guarding the package" said Asuma as he uncovered the unknown man. He was an Otsutsuki. "There were supposed to be 5 such packages right? Then why only one?" Itachi asked as he pulled out the cloth that was stuffed in his mouth. "You lowly creatures how dare you—" just as he spoke he was met with a strong punch on his gut "you just answer what I ask. Understand?" Itachi glared at him. The Otsutsuki coughed and asked Itachi not to hit.

The leaders looked at each other with a smirk as they understood that they have their hands on a weak spirit now.

"Let's see how the weapons look" Deidara opened the box. What was in the box surprised everyone. Deidara grabed a few thing out of the box that seemed like parts of the guns. "Energy guns!" Asuma exclaimed. "But these look like they are dissembled" said Deidara. Now all eyes were on the lone Otsutsuki who was clearly sweating. "I—I don't know how to assemble this. Do not e-expect that" he said.

"Itachi signaled the members to make the arrangements and soon the members started to tie wires around the akatsuki. "H-hey h-hey what are you d-doing?" The Otsutsuki struggled. Sharp wires were tied around his waist and some were pierced into his ears. The other end of the strings were handed to the leaders who were now incharge of his condition.

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