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Soobin woke up to the blinds covering the window

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Soobin woke up to the blinds covering the window. He frowned, looking at the darkness that surrounded the room, and stood up, yawning, while covering his mouth at the same time, 

It was when he pulled at the blinds that he was nearly blinded due to the vibrant sunlight, 

Turning around and glancing at the bedside clock, his eyes widened once he saw the time. 

It was freaking noon!

His head hurt somehow, and he gripped at his hair, rubbing at his scalp before deciding to freshen up before anything else. 

He entered the washroom, forgetting anything and everything that had happened the previous night. 

When Soobin came out of the shower, he frowned seeing the big box that was settled on the bed. 

For a second he stood there, rethinking everything and it wasn't long before his eyes widened. 

Flashes of him celebrating, drinking, enjoying, kissing- 

He dashed out of the room, hoping to look for Yeonjun but found no one. 

Rushing to the kitchen and checking the notes stuck to the magnets over the refrigerator, that's when he saw a new one, 

'Good morning-afternoon blue!

Knew you'd come rushing to check on me, leaving this just minutes after you entered the washroom. Can't help but admire your sleepy self, but here I am. I petted Muffin and he's probably fast asleep, so don't disturb our baby. Don't blush, love.

Also, don't worry about the cafe, Kai and Heesung told me they'd manage since the Moon's Cafe is going under renovation, and Heesung and his boyfriend are free. I paid them by the way, keke. 

Anyway, if you're reading this, go back to the room, dress up in the clothes I got for you, got something planned, a date, and much more- 

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