The gift of Life by: Sonayah Charles

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"Screeech!!!" the car went flying. "MOM LOOK OUT!!!" I said frantically. Phone. Where is the freakin' phone when you need it?!?!? Ugh I'll just use mom's. Ring ring.......Ring ring. "911 emergency service how may I help you?" "Hello! Umm I need someone to mother and I were driving and we crashed into a pole. I think I broke a bone or something and she's just laying here." I said tears were out in full force now. "Okay hold on. The ambulance is on it's way. Now is your mother unconscious?" "Umm yea I think she is." Why did this have to happen?? Why??............

Chapter 2:

"Malayna Carter?" a nurse comes up to me."Yes?" I said timidly."Oh. There you are. Well we got the results back for you and they say you broke your bone in your leg so that should heal in about 4 weeks. Okay?"she gives me a smile. " Okay but what about my mother?" I start biting my nails in anxiety. " Oh

I think another nurse is checking on her. Lemme go get her." But before she could go a nurse ran up to her and whispered something in her ear. While she was listening her smiled faded and her face turned very pale. "Um...Malayna can you follow me please?" she asked. I had a bad feeling about this and I was sick to my stomach. She took me into a room---empty and pale. I just stood there waiting for her to speak. She looked down for a while then she looked up with trickles of tears in her eyes. My eyes widened and assumed the news wasn't going to be good. She took a deep breath. "Malayna the test results came back for your mother and they said---they said-----" she broke down into tears. I almost fell to the ground and fainted. I knew. She didn't have to say the rest because I already knew. My mom had died.

Chapter 3:

The nurse came over to me she looked at me with great concern. I collapsed to the floor trying to breath. How could this have happened? She was my mother. My one and only mother.The tears were out. I cried and cried and cried. Then I punched the door and screamed. "What the freak is going on with my life?!?!?!?!?" I yelled so loud the nurse covered her ears. I tore down everything. I knocked over a lamp kicked the chair then just dropped to the floor and everything went black. Pitch black.

Chapter 4:

I woke up and saw that I was lying on a bed with a heart monitor on my side. I tried to sit up but I felt so weak. What happened?........Oh I remember. I started to cry again. How could I lose my mom? I just couldn't understand...................

"Excuse me?"I croaked. My throat felt dry and I needed some water. Apparently she didn't hear me and just kept on reading her magazine. I started tapping the bed. Then I banged on the remote control, accidentally and switched on the TV. Well--that got her attention. She looked up in shock and then turned to see me waving my arms trying to get her to see me. "Oh! Yes?" she said embarrassed. I pointed to my throat and she rushed out and came back with some water. I nodded my head to say thank you then i gulped down the water and felt much more relaxed. I then asked" What happened? Why am I here?" The nurse quickly explained that I had gone into a evental seizure. I had no idea what that meant and I guess she could tell because, she started explaining what it was. She said it was a seizure caused by a horrifying or dramatic event. She said I bruised my head and screamed so much that I lost my voice after a while. I just sat there as she explained everything wondering how and why all this happened. I just wish I had someone I could pour out my heart to. But my mother is gone. My father left when i was 6. Who? Who can I trust? Who is that mystery? Who? Will someone just tell me?

Chapter 5: I woke up again and saw that it was dark outside. I saw that someone had called my bff's mom here and she was reading a book. Her eyes were bloodshot red and I could tell she had been crying. I waved my hand sleepily and her head shot right up. It kind of creeped me out. "Oh Malayna I'm so sorry about all this. I would of come sooner but my boss wouldn't let me off early. Screw him! Has no heart!!" She hugged me. I felt embraced." Where's Steph?" I croaked. Steph is my best friend her real name was Stephanie."She's....she's here just ....well she's in the hospital too."her mother said sadly. "What!!" I shot up but instantly went back down on thebed. My head throbbed in so much pain. "Wha-what happened to her?" I said I started to cry. This daywas juat getting better wasn't it? Ugh. "She's alright now but she fainted when i told her the news about you and your mother. I didn't know how to get her to wake up so I brought her here. But she's awake and back to herself now but still a little frightened by the news." Her mother explained. Oh poor Steph. "Can I see her?" I asked hopefully I wanted her to know I was okay. "Of coure sweetheart I'll go get her." I. was staring at the ceiling when I heard the door to my hospital room bust open. "Malayna!!" Stephanie came running over at full speed. "Stephanie!! It's so good to see you!!" I said. "May you don't how much I've missed you. I-I" she broke down into tears."I thought you were dead and I thought I would never see you again and-and" she stopped. " Shh it's okay. I'm here I always will be." I was starting to cry now oh great just great." I'm glad you're alive you're going to be like my sister now." she said and smiled. I was confused. " What do you mean?" " are going to come live with us now know." she said with sympathy and smiled. I looked at her blank while I took it all in. Maybe this day just got a little bit better. A HUGE smile spread across my face and it went from ear to ear. " Really?! You guys would take me in?" I asked. " Of course! You're my best friend! And a friend never leaves another friend behind." She smiled. "Thanks Steph. I really appreciate this. So when do I get out of this dump?" I said playfully " Well," she said laughing," The doctor said when ever your ready." She beamed. I knew she was excited as I was. " Well I am ready to go go go!" I said. I was feeling a whole lot better. Then Stephanie squealed and hopped out the door to tell her mom singing, " May is gonna live with mee...May is gunna live with mee." Haha!! I was really looking forward to this.

Chapter 6:

We got in the car and drove from the hospital to my house to get my stuff. Stephanie's mom would store my dad and mom's stuff in the guest storage closet that way we didn't have to throw it away. When we were finished packing I sat down on one of the boxes exhausted and looked around. I was getting a little emotional about the fact that I had to say goodbye to the place that I once called home. I wiped a tear from my face and Steph came and sat next to me. " You okay?" she asked "Yea I'm just saying goodbye to this house." I said. I sighed. I was gunna miss this place. Steph gave me a quick hug and hooked arms with me and said, " Come on let's get you settled in at my--well now our place" she said with a smile. I smiled at her.I was glad to have a friend like her.

Chapter 7:

When we got to Stephanie's house they showed me where my room was and helped me get situated. The room was very big and that was great and it was purple which was perfect because purple was my all time favorite color. As I was just finishing decorating my room I heard a knock at my door."Come in" I said knowing it was Stephanie. "Wow!! Malayna this is fantastic!!!! Wow is all I can say!!" she said excited ly. I chuckled. She could be so silly sometimes. "Thanks" I said. " Oh!! I have a surprise for you!" she skipped to her room and came back with a purple looking sack with my name in gold letters on it. "What is it?!" I said anxiously. She unlatched a buckle on it and the whole sack unfolded into six different compartment s if nail polish and nail tools. I stoid there with my jaw hanging and eyes wide. Stephanie started to laugh. I ran up to her and embraced her in a hug. "Thank you Stephanie sooo much!!" I said. "Wait thats not all!!" she said smiling. I looked at her confused. She went to her room and came back with another one but this one was filled with all the drawing tools you could ever imagine!" I know you like to draw soo......" she said beaming. I started to scream." Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! You are the bestest friend ever!!!!!" I was jumping up and down on my like a little kid. Just then Steph's mom walked in with a worried look on her face. " Everything okay in here??" she asked. "Oh! Yes--just--excited." I blushed. " Okay" she said smiling. "Stephanie this is the best day of my life!" I said " Well I figured it would help to cheer your spirits up a little bit" she said still beaming." Oh and by the way when my dad gets home we're going out for dinner to celebrate so wear something nice" she winked. "Ooo where are we going?" I asked once again excited. "You'll see" And with that she walked away a mischievous grin on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2013 ⏰

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