Twenty Two.

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Twenty Two.

THE next day came around sooner than later, and the bright autumn sun was gleaming through Sora's blinds and down onto her body.

It was warm, and comforting and replaced the heat of Sunghoon's body.

Sora's eyes opened slowly, and she raised her hand to wipe the sleep from her eyes. She let out a tired groan as she sat up in her bed. Her eyes glanced around the room in confusion, as she tried to search for the Park boy.

The space beside her where he was once laying was now empty and cold and she couldn't help but feel her heart crack slightly at the thought of him leaving.

The thoughts of him possibly regretting what happened last night circled Sora's head as she began to get ready for the day. Many possibilities flowed her mind and it made her stomach churn with worry.

After checking her phone for messages from Sunghoon, she sighed to herself and stuffed it into her pocket before leaving her dorm.

She wanted to message him, but she was too worried that he did regret everything and she would just be making a fool out of herself.

Sora walked into the Sigsa Bar with a forced smile on her lips. She smiled at a few of the people she knew there before she headed over to the bar, where the guy she spoke to last time was cleaning glasses.

"Ah, long time no see, aye?" The bartender smirked and threw the tea towel over his shoulder and leaned forward on the bar. "Have you come back hoping for the job?" He raised his brow and Sora felt her shoulders slump in disappointment.

"Look, I'm sorry, I really am. I've just had so much going on lately." Sora excused, but the bartender didn't seem to by it as he slowly shook his head.

"Sorry, but no can do." He kissed his teeth and stood up straight, before the swinging doors swung open and in walked a tall man, with a round beer belly and black facial hair. He had his hands on his hips as he looked around the bistro and his eyes widened in excitement once they met Sora's.

"Oh, you must be Choi Sora?" He questioned, rushing over to her.

Sora's eyes furrowed in confusion as she slightly nodded her head. "How do you know?"

The man was quick to shake her hand and grin widely at her. "It's such a pleasure to meet you. My names Samuel, I'm the manager of this place, it's lovely isn't it? My fellow bartender asked me if we were taking on any more people — at first I said no, but then he told me your name and I couldn't help but say yes. I used to work with your father back in the day. We were best buds." He spoke at a fast pace, and Sora was having trouble keeping up.

"When can you start?" Samuel asked, causing Sora to let out a shocked breath. Her eyes moved to the bartender that didn't look too happy as he rolled his eyes and turned away from them.

"Whenever." Sora beamed, and Samuel clapped his hands loudly.

"Oh brilliant!" The man grinned. "I'll have you fill out some paperwork, and you can start this time next month. The papers take forever to go through and we don't want you to payed too little or too much now, do we?" He laughed and Sora awkwardly shook her head as the man left her to get the forms.

As Sora sat at the bar, she ordered herself a Diet Coke and waited patiently for Samuel to return. She sat silently with her thoughts racing about Sunghoon and she felt her chest tighten.

"Hello again." She heard a familiar voice, causing her to break away from her trail of thinking and turn slightly, only to see Choi Beomgyu.

Sora softly smiled at her and he sat down next to her. Samuel soon returned and handed her to paperwork and a pen before he left her to it.

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