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" it's vacation time " I sang excitedly, twerking around packing my stuff.

After about fifteen minutes Duncan walked in with a smile, he made me sit down and started placing my clothes in my bag as I instructed.

" I am so excited," I said standing up in excitement, I placed my hair into a bun so it won't come in my way of getting everything ready.

" ok so we are done with my luggage....we have to get your luggage," I said trying to recollect what I needed my footwear and stuff.

"Why do you want to pack my luggage? "Teddy questioned.

" If we don't pack your stuff, what would you wear in Hawaii, you could wear my clothes you will look so cute," I said raising my brows, with a wicked smile.

He took a step forward placing his hand on my cheek, he always did this when he was going to say something that I wouldn't like "Love the vacation is for you not me " he said trying to be gentle.

" what do you mean? My vacation.....I thought all of us are going on a vacation " I said taking his hand away from my face.

" yes all of you are going, except me "

" stop Teddy don't, what do you mean, it's so stupid why are you not coming....this is just so annoying," I said walking back and forth

" I don't want to ruin it, it's for you and your friends " he tried to justify.

"No...no...no.dont give me that bullshit you know they like it when you are around " I stated. His phone started buzzing.

It was Derek "Is it about the important thing that Derek was talking about?" I questioned annoyed.

" Baby girl please listen....you go have fun and then maybe we'll go on another trip," he said walking closer to me, I backed off.

" how am I going to have fun, when you're not going to be there!" I yelled storming out, going to my old room.

I was so mad why doesn't he get it, there was no point in having fun when I am going to be missing him every second. I am not going to go I'll just call and let them know.

On the third ring, Damon answered " I am so excited dead rabbit, it's going to be so much fun, I missed this " Damon yelled."Babe pack me some face masks as well, ci do you want some too? " yup " I responded " pack some for ci as well " he forwarded my message to Crystal " so why did you call ?" he asked I could hear shuffling in the background. " hmm just to check if you were done packing " " yup almost " he replied " Hawaii we are coming !" he yelled along with Crystal " yup " I replied cutting the call. I couldn't break their heart.

I walked towards my room picking up the outfit that I was going to wear for the airport, I walked towards my room, Ignoring Duncan's calls I walked into the shower, I did my complete routine applying a mask to my hair and face, shaving taking a shower, I walked out looking at the clock I was running so low on time I applied my moisturizer all over my body wearing my cream bell bottom pants, along with a white crop t-shirt, I blow dried my hair, applying a bit of mascara, and a tinted pink lip balm.

I encased my feet with my white Converse, I wore my cream cardigan, and my black glasses over my head, giving myself a look of approval.

" if you're not going to come, Mr. William, I am going to make you regret every second of your choice " I muttered evilly blowing a kiss to myself.

I walked out, Duncan was waiting out the door itself looking at me his eyes appreciated me more than any words could ever describe, I ignored him walking towards our room content with the reaction I got. I picked up my luggage, planning to go downstairs.

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