10. Pen drive

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" Jeremy! Come to my office now" I groaned massaging the sides of my temples, and placing the receiver down after about a couple of seconds Jeremy ran to my office huffing and puffing. I smiled widely with a sorry expression "Were you busy? I asked.

He stabilized himself holding onto the door and stabilizing standing straight " I was in between taking a dump! " he said through gritted teeth, "OK ok I am sorry.... go back " I apologized.

" Nope I lost the flow," he said annoyed, walking towards me.

" Are you sure? I can wait "I asked twirling around in my chair. He nodded his head signaling me to go on.

"OK get all the files ready for tomorrow's meeting and...." I looked at his face he looked really tired, walking toward me to get the files ready.

I paused "Hmm you know what... let's just go home, you get the files ready tomorrow," I said picking up my handbag, "I'll get the cheques ready so we can give them off to the vendors first thing in the morning and we'll be free for the day," I said shuffling through my bag for my check-book my eyes landed on a brown cover. I took it out looking at the envelope suspiciously.

" Did you put this in here ?" I questioned Jeremy who was sitting opposite me raising the envelope.

" No...I haven't " he said taking the envelope and analyzing it looking at it carefully." where did you get it from...it has something in it," he said extending his hand and fishing out scissors he cut open the envelope " it was in my bag ". I replied to his earlier question.

" what's this ?" he asked taking out a pen drive.

" A pen drive dumb ass," I said quickly standing up and opening the cupboard I took out our spare laptop from the down rack hurriedly I walked back took the pen drive from his hand inserted it into the port. I sat back down while the device was turning on.

" why are we using the spare laptop ?" Jeremy questioned looking at me confused.

" you never know what is in that drive, it can be a device for hacking and stuff it can also contain viruses you never know, and the files that we have on our personal system contain our business logic and our client's info which should always be protected " I informed looking at the screen intently Jeremy watched me in awe. I smirked straightening my stance trying to act smart.

" I don't understand how with that ice cream-eating brain of yours you could come up with something so smart, definitely Mr. William must have thought you," he said, I immediately faced him.

" I knew it....he did not teach me and by the way, this ice cream brain of mine only thought about hiring you, " I said glaring at him.

I looked at my phone on the table as it was buzzing, I sighed looking at the caller ID.

"It's Mr William again isn't it ?" Jeremy questioned leaning forward. I nodded my head looking at the blank screen in front of me that had one moment please printed on it.

" how long are you going to ignore him, this is the thousandth time he has called you and not to forget the hundreds of messages...." he said looking at me with an annoyed expression." you know he's amazing right ?"

" I do, " I said in a small voice, fiddling gently with my wedding ring.

"and you also know you shouldn't be listening to your friends right with all this testing his bullshit," he said being the wise old man giving me advice flicking his hair back slightly and tilting his glasses proving me right.

" I know but they are just looking out for me, it is his mistake I never got stood up before four times in a row," I said getting all defensive, glaring at Jeremy." and you're not supposed to be supporting him, " I said pointing my finger at him." you never dated anyone before him so...there is no point of you getting stood up before," he said carefully watching my expression.

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