the first acquaintance

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There she is. Watching tiktok's about Tokio hotel. Y/n is obsessed with them. They make her feel safe cause at home things aren't going to well and this makes her stress go away for a little while.

-"Y/n come down!" Your mother yells.

-"Coming!" You yell back and annoyed cause now you can't watch edits anymore.

You go downstairs and sit at the table next to you brother. Your little sister is sitting across from you and already trying to kick you with her short ass legs.

-"Stop kicking me Lily!" You say to your little sister with an angry face.

-"Mommy she is yelling again!" Lily says almost crying wich was obviously fake.

-"Y/n, don't talk to your little sister like that!" You mother tells you while stroking Lily's hair.

-"Can you pass the sauce please?" Your dad asks your brother.

He passes the sauce and no one really talks and just eats.

-"Did you know that Miss. Beesal had a burnout and won't be coming back?" Mason, your brother, said as ge tried to break the silence.

-"I guess everyone had seen that coming, she was always crying during lunch breaks." You say with a little grin, imagining her crying while eating.

Mason smiled a little but everything went silence again and you guys just ate without saying a word to each other.

-"I'm going upstairs, it's already late." You say as you put your plate in the dishwasher and walk out of the dining area.

You go in your room and grab your pyjama.

You read a wattpad story about Tom Kaulitz and fall asleep.


"Wake up, we almost have to get out." A unfamiliar voice says to you as you wake up.

You open your eyes and see that your sitting in a train across from a bald man wearing a black outfit.

You don't understand what's happening and look around, you are defenitly in a train.

-"This is our stop, get up." The man says as he grabs a suitcase leaving you to grab 3 bags and a suitcase.

You're still confused but just follow along cause maybe ur kidnapped or something.

-"Where are we going?" You finally ask after walking for 2 minutes.

-"Your new family" the man answers still not showing any emotion.

Your new family?! What does he mean by that?

You guys walk over to a expensive car that was definitly not from 2023 but more from the 2000s.

-"Hello." You say to a woman standing outside of the car.

-"Hello, you must be y/n, we are so happy to give you a new home!" She says having the most angelic voice you've ever heard.

-"Oh uh yeah." You say still confused on what's happening.

You get in the car in the backseat while the woman sits in the passengers seat and the bald man in the drivers seat.

You put on your seatbelt and look around the car as it starts driving.

You see some newspapers and decide to pick one up '2006'. Your confused and pick up another one but it also says '2006'.

-"Are you okay back there? Were almost at your new house!" The woman says while looking back at you.

-"Uh yeah I'm fine" you say smiling a little to not seem rude.

You begin to think you know this woman, not sure where u have seen her though.

After 3 more minutes the car stops and you get out.

A beautifull big house surounded by plants and another car.

-"Let's go inside, I can help with your bags!" The woman says while grabbing 2 bags.

You grab 2 suitcases and a bag and the bald man just stands there looking forward.

You walk behind the woman into the house and u look around smiling cause it's so pretty.

-"I hope you like it!" The woman says.

-"It's beautifullz miss... uh." You say smiling at her.

-"Please call me Simone." She says to you also smiling.

-"Your house is beautifull Simone!" You say still admiring the house.

-"Thank you, this is now also your house so I'm glad you like it!" Simone says while you hear some stomps from upstairs.

-"That must be the boys." She says while 2 figures apear coming down the stairs.

The first one has black spiky hair and black clothes, he looks scary at first but when he smiles that thought goes away immediatly.

-"Hey! My name is Bill and this is Tom!" The boy says pointing at the other boy behind him.

-"hey, my nam is y/n." You say as you smile and look at the other boy.

He has super baggy clothes and wears a hat with dreads coming out of it. He also has a lip ring wich moves with his mouth as he smiles at you.

-"Help bringing her stuff to her room!" Simone says while the boys take over some of your stuff.

You follow them up the stairs into a room not believing you litteraly just time traveled to their time.

-"This is your room but feel welcome to sleep with me if your scared." Tom says as he gives u a cheeky grin.

-"No thanks." You say giving him a slight smile.

-"Don't mind him, he's stupid." Bill says slapping Tom on his arm.

-"Auch!" Tom says as you giggle a little.

-"Are you twins?" You ask even though you know that they are but you are trying to act like the girls in wattpad stories.

-"Yes, don't you know us?" Bill asks.

Obviously you do know them but you gotta act like the girls in wattpad stories since that's the girls they fall for.

-"Uh no, should I?" You ask.

-"Do you live under a rock, we are part of the band Tokio hotel." Tom says looking confused at you and smiling at little at his own joke.

-"That's cool!" You say as you sit on the bed.

-"You can hear us practice tonight with the other band members but we gotta help our mom make dinner so you can unpack you things" bill says as they walk out of your room closing the door.

OMG OMG OMG, is this really happening.

You need a moment to think about what just happened.

You walk over to your bags and open one to see what your stuff is.

It's not your stuff but you definitly wanted all of this. You open up every bag and suitcase.

It's all the clothes you could imagine having and all the accesories and everything is just too good to be true.


Hope you like the story so far!
1.1k words
If u have any tips, lmk so I can improve my story<3

Also I might write in 1 person next chapter cause that's easier if yall don't mind?

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