Stepping into the Spotlight

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It's been a few days and me and Tom haven't really talked with each other but it's fine.

-"Hey y/n, we have a concert tonight and we would love it if you could come with us." Bill said.

-"What do you mean concert?" I obviously know about their band but they couldn't know I knew and those girls in wattpad stories never know.

-"Wait you still don't know?" Bill asks as Tom is now also standing next to him.

-"What doesn't she know?" Tom asks.

-"She doesn't know we are in a band." Bill says and I try to look shocked.

-"You guys are in a band?" I say "shocked".

-"Wait you didn't know? I thought you were just going to use us for fame." Tom says looking almost guilty for thinking that.

-"I would never do that." I say as I get up and walk over to them.

-"The only reason I was so mean to you was because of that and well because you were equally good in skating as me." He says looking down.

-"It's alright and we know I am better than you in skating." I say smiling to him.

-"We'll see about that." Tom says now also smiling.

-"I'm happy you guys can be normal again but do you want to see us play?" Bill asks.

-"Yeah ofcourse!" I say and they walk away.

I am not going to forgive Tom so fast and he is stil a mean person but for now I am just going to focus on their concert and what I will wear.

I looked through my closet and found an good concert outfit.

It's an red tube top with a black strapless bra wich you could see a little, a short black skirt and a belt.
*the outfit is at the top*

I decided to shower first and put on my outfit after.

*Time skip*

I am ready now I just need to do my hair and make-up.

I decide for a crisscross hairline and 2 messy buns. My make-up included fake lashes, lipe liner with gloss, mascara, eyeliner and a eyeshadow combo of gold and a red/brown.

I still have 10 minutes so I just decided to go downstairs and wait.

After 5 minutes Tom comes downstairs too.

-"Hey, you look good." He says smiling and sits next to me on the couch.

-"Thanks, you too." I say smiling back.

*Ding dongg*

Tom goes to open the door and I hear some male voices.

I get up to see who it is and I see 2 older boys that I see hang out with Bill a lot and sometimes talk to Tom.

-"Hey! My name is y/n." I say going in for a hug with a boy with short blond curly hair.

-"Hey, I am Gustav." He says and I go to the other boy with the prettiest hair I have ever seen. It was straight and brown.

-"I am Georg." He says as I give him a hug too.

-"Is she another hook-up, Tom?" Gustav says a little too loud.

-"Ew no he wishes." I say looking disgusted at Tom.

-"No she lives with us." Tom says.

-"Oh, she is the girl, right I forgot." Gustav says while the others giggle a little.

-"I am ready!" Bill says draging the "y" and coming downstairs.

We all go to a car and head to the concert. I sat next to Bill since he really feels like a brother to me.

*Time skip*

-"Alright we almost have to go on stage so maybe you should go in the crowd to get a good place, make sure you're front row." Bill says to me as they are all getting ready to go on stage.

I go into the crowd and some how manage to get front row.

*Time skip*

They've played a few song and Bill goes to the front of the stage and says something

-"We have something to tell you all." He says making people scream. "Recently someone special came into our lives."

Some people were still screaming and some were listening intensly.

-"I would like you all to meet y/n!" He yells and he points to me and a man grabs me out of the crowd and places me next to Bill on stage.

-"She has grown to be very special to me." He says and I just smile nervously. "Would you like to say something?"

-"Alright, hey, everyone! Life hasn't always been kind to me, but standing here beside these incredible people, I realize how it doen't matter at the end of the day. In those tough moments, it's these experiences that make it all worth it, where everything else fades away. So, let's cherish this night and create memories that'll make us forget about the struggles, even if just for a little while." I say, a genuine smile spreading across my face.

-"I think those are beautifull words y/n, do you want to sing this last song with us?" Bill asks.

I sing everyday but I have never done it infront of people and now I have to do it infront this whole crowd.

-"I don't know Bill, I guess." I say smiling but so nervous at the same time.

-"Let's sing wo sind eure Hände!" As Bill says this the crowd goes wild.

Me and Bill sang together and even though you probably couldn't hear me that well it was still an amazing experience.

When it was done Bill said some last words and we went backstage.

-"Don't really know you y/n but damn you sing good." Gustav says.

-"Yeah I didn't know you could sing." Tom says smiling.

-"Thanks guys but you really don't have to be so nice." I say laughing a little since they're too nice.

-"No you are actually pretty good." Bill says. "And to be fair I already knew because you sing in the shower or if you're alone in your room."

-"You could hear that?" I ask embarassed.

-"I didn't mean to but I just heard it a few times." He says smiling.

-"Well thank you but we should stop talking about me because you guys were amazing!" I say smiling.

We talk for a little while about their concert and some other stuff while they clean a little and grab all their stuff.


I want to give credits to a person that sended me the concert idea, their tt acc is "k4ulizz" <3

I hope yall liked this part and see that Tom and you are getting along more!
☆1.1k words☆
♡If u have any tips lmk so I can improve my story♡

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