From Detention to Determination

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I Immediatly knew who made this

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I Immediatly knew who made this. Tom always refers to himself as the hottest boy, and while I won't argue, I find it somewhat self-absorbed.

When I walk out of the classroom I see him and his friends talking and Tom looks up at me and winks.

He irritates me immensely, to the extent that I envision crushing my tongue between two rocks.

I just walk away and catch up with Ali.

-"What took you so long?" She asks while we are walking outside to sit on a bench.

-"I found this note." I say as I give her the note.

She grabs the paper and opens it up.

-"This is so obviously from Tom." She laughs a little.

-"Yeah I know." I say laughing back a little.

-"Are you going to do it?" She asks while giving back the note.

-"I am not afraid, I know my skills." I say throwing the paper in the trash.

-"Okay but I must warn you, Tom is the best skater from all the schools around here." She says giving me an unsure look.

-"Well I was the best back where I lived and if he is better he deserves it." I say smiling as we lean agaisnt a wall cause there were no free benches left.

Ali tells me some stores I should check out when suddenly a few people are standing over us.

When I look their direction I see it's Tom and his stupid friends.

-"What do you want?" I say in an irritated voice.

-"Are you accepting the challenge?" Tom asks as all the others watch me intensely.

Some other people began to gather around us.

-"Of course I am," I retort, oozing an unwavering confidence. "I didn't come all the way from New Orleans to Germany to back down from a challenge. Get ready to witness a whole new level of greatness, because this girl's about to show you what real talent looks like."

Some boys and girls standing around them start giving each other shocked faces and some are laughing a little.

-"Got what you wanted Tom?" Ali says as she looks him up and down, in a bad way ofcourse.

-"I defenitly did Ali, remember you are just another one of my minions and soon y/n will be one too." Tom grins and looks at me and Ali.

I give Ali a confused look but she just gives Tom a death stare.

*Ringg ringgg*

Just when it was starting to feel awkward, the bell saved us. Phew!

I start grabbing my bag and walk away with Ali but we had to split up since she had a different class.

I sit down and the lesson begins. I'm trying to pay attention but someone keeps poking my back and you don't have to be a genius to know who it is.

-"Stop touching me." I say annoyed looking behind me where Tom is seated.

-"Why, all the girls love it when I touch them." He says giving me his stupid grin.

-"Well my name is y/n not "all the girls" so stop." I say as I turn back.

-"Come one baby, you know you like it." He says stroking my hair.

-"Stop! I'm not your baby and I do not like this!" I say probably to loud since the teacher suddenly stopped talking and turned to me.

-"y/n, detention tomorrow!" She days giving me an annoyed look.

-"But he was annoying me!" I say defending myself.

-"Well I didn't hear him, I only heard you, if you want dention for the rest of the week too you should keep talking!" The teacher says as I give Tom an angry face.

The class contineus and luckely after a while Tom stops touching me.

The next class was boring but luckely Tom wasn't in that class.

I grab my stuff as it is now lunch time.

When I walk out of my class I see Ali waiting for me.

-"Hey! How were your classes without me?" She asks smiling as we walk to the cafeteria.

-"Tom kept poking me in my first class and when I told him to stop I got detention." I say rolling my eyes.

-"That sucks but don't you have the competition today after school?" She asks as we finally arive at the cafeteria.

-"The detention is tomorrow." I say as we both grab our lunch trays.

The food here is way better than where I lived before.

I grab a little fruit salad, a cooked egg and mashed potatoes.

Ali grabs around the same as me and we walk over to and empty table.

-"So as promised I'll give you a heads up on everyone." Ali says as she takes a bite of her salad.

-"So over there are the popular girls, they're not that bad but care too much about looks and are obsessed over Tom. That group over there are the nerds but they're not super smart actually but just play games during lunch." She says and takes another bite. "Those are the worst, the popular boys, some of them can be nice if your alone with them but otherwise I would stay away of them including Tom obviously."

We both grab some bites of our food before she continues.

-"Those are the bullies but they actually don't do anything but they just act tough." Ali says pointing to a group of boys and girls wearing short leather jackets. "That group is probably one of the best groups, they are all really sweet so I would call them the nice group." She says looking at a group including Bill.

-"Do you have other friends?" I ask as we were still sitting alone.

-"I mostly sit by myself or with the nice group but my real friends are at the hobby I do." She says taking a sip of her water. "I used to be with the popular girls, I even dated Tom but when he broke up with me everyone started ignoring me."

She said that not looking up at me once. I feel bad for her cause she is such a nice girl.

-"I'm sorry to hear that." I say smiling at her.

-"It's alright, they were very toxic and I should've knowen that Tom was a player." She says smiling back a little. "And now I met actual nice people wich is much better than those popular people."

-"Maybe it was for the best." I say smiling and she smiled back.

She tells me more about her herself and I find out her hobby is working in a thrift store wich is more of a job but she thinks hobby sounds more fun.

*Time skip*

School is almost over and I already forgot about the skate competition.

*Ringg ringg*

I don't know if I should be happy or sad right now.


Do yall want her to win or Tom?
☆Sorry this chapter was bit boring☆
1.1k words
If you have tips please lmk so I can improve my story!


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