Rottweiler Headcanons

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This is Rottweiler, the runner-up of Season 2.

Of all the dog masks, Rottie is the most dog-like. Most of the time he is bipedal like the other masks, but if he is running, chasing his tail, or fetching a stick or ball, he will get on all fours.

As a puppy, Rottie was abandoned by his real family before Fox (who was a kit at the time) and his mother found the puppy and took him in. Rottie used to be an aggressive boy who would bit everyone, but his adoptive family helped him grow out of it. Now as an adult, Rottie is loyal, gentle, and goofy, and he doesn't bite anyone unless he's protecting someone. Good boy.

Rottie is a comic book artist with killer vocals. He also plays a mean electric guitar.

PERFORMER: Chris Daughtry

STRENGTH: Protective


LIKES: Tennis balls, sticks, stealing Skeleton's bones, chasing Squirrel, meat period, peanut butter, the color blue, roses, drawing, singing, being petted, rubbed and scrated

DISLIKES: Being called a bad boy, chocolate

FAMILY: Fox (adoptive brother)

Vulpes (adoptive mother)

Poodle (wife)

Hannah Rottle (daughter)

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