Fox Headcanons (picture coming soon)

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This is Fox, the winner of Season 2.

In my AU, Fox is the resident straight man of the gang. Don't underestimate this steampunk fox because he is super talented. He can improvise on almost anything. Singing, dancing, rapping, you name it. Fox is quick to come up with anything in general. He is also very comedic.

He is also very persevering. He would stay up all night practicing his songs even after he mastered the lyrics and the dance moves. He loves his daughter more than anything and will do anything for her. They have a really good bond.

Don't ask how, but he lost his left arm and his right eye in a freak accident. The doctors had to give him a prosthetic arm and a new, functioning eye. This is why he looks a bit like a cyborg.

PERFORMER: Wayne Brady

STRENGTH: Quick-witted

WEAKNESS: Crossing freeways

LIKES: Any genre of music, comedy, improv, playing harmonica, singing and dancing, rapping, video games, being petted

DISLIKES: People making fun of his bark, taxidermy, being underestimated

FAMILY: Little Fox aka Vixen (daughter)

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