Chapter 2

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A hysterical sob leaves his eyes as they fall on a particular post with taekook's photos

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A hysterical sob leaves his eyes as they fall on a particular post with taekook's photos. Those were actually the real photos they never posted. What broke him was the account holder was his love, ex to be more specific.

Tae and koo used this stan account to interact with their fans on normal basis when they weren't feeling so nice. And it did help them. They laughed their worries out, and even used that account more than their actual verified ones. They were in love with that stan twt of their's, sharing a lot many beautiful memories with their fans togthr.But now it's broken him whole with that one tweet. This time that favourite account of his and that beloved ex of his has made things worse, made the day even worse. /Yeah./

His heart picking it's pace with each comment, they just kept getting ruder and ruder, but he kept on reading. With his trembling hand scrolling down to more comments, he felt his breath getting uneven and then finally stuck in his throat. The further he kept reading the more he hated himself. Those mean comments could have anyone believing the wrong. His pupils delated, his bothered breathing, his mind stuffed, mean words overpowering his self love, hands trembling, and that's how he had the very first panic attack of his life, because of his ex Love, because of his very much beloved once self claimed fans, and with no one around to take care.


"Taehyung, what the fck is wrong with you?!! Have you gone insane or what???" Barged in Jimin barking on his self claimed soulmate but actual too.
Taehyung who was confused of why HIS self claimed but actual soulmate literally looking red in anger, couldn't utter anything.

"Why did you do that, Taehyung-ah?" Hobi who was much calmer than Chim, asked.
"What do you mean? Did what?"
Jimin scoffs with his hands automatically going in air in annoyance of his oblivion.

Taehyung had shut himself for the past two weeks from his friends after his breakup with his very first and surely the very last love of his. He still isn't over the fact that it actually happened, and moreover Jungkook is pregnant.
And only now is he meeting his friends after those two weeks. He took a few days off from his company, who couldn't obviously reject it for the world's most handsome and also the world wide idol.

He was chilling (as he thot bcuz no one chills with the thots of their ex), when the post of that stupid koreabooboo showed up. Not all being the true news of it, he didn't wanna believe this one too for his own good but then the pretty mother happily confirmed it. He couldn't believe that it happened just not long after they broke up. It enraged him. He felt he didn't satisfy the younger enough, he felt as if had been played and fooled, he felt broken and felt the need of getting his numerous questions being answered as to why they parted ways. Cuz the younger literally didn't give him any. He just rang him, said that they're over, blocked him from everywhere, moved out of his place to somewhere he couldn't even think of, and never showed up until that very tweet. That fckng confirmation. And now everything is making sense to him. The younger might definitely 100% for sure have found someone else and don't love Tae anymore, so he threw him outta his life. Then he might've moved to his lover's and made their baby.

This shattered Taehyung's heart but he masked it with his stupid anger. Wanting answers to why Jungkook did this, he logged in to his stan twt which he shared countless comfy memories together with his fluffball, he chose a photo of theirs which seemed not very recognisable, he posted it. But he underestimated the fools called fans.
Writing a not hurtful and judging caption, he clicked on the "tweet" option and immediately locked his screen.
He did what he did, but now he don't have the courage to look at the response of his ex, if he bothered one.

Sitting blankly, regretting his life's decisions. The one he made just now, the one he made a few months ago when he fell in love, the one everyday ever since then he fell more and more, he statued on the sofa. And that's when Jimin came. Coming to think of it, he's yet to answer or question him what he was asking about.

Jimin now had his hands back down from where he threw them in the air, this time speaking rather than screaming.
"Why did you post that pic of you both on your stan twt?"

And then speaks in a barely audible voice. "I wanted an explanation of why he left me."

"But you could've just asked him directly." Hobi confronts calmly, being aware of their bear's own conflicts.

"He blocked me from everywhere, he's nowhere I could reach."

"then just should've waited until he explains himself to you." Jimin who was losing his calm every second, hobi holds his hand to calm him yet again.

"HOW!!" Taehyung loses his cool this time.
"How do I just wait as if nothing happened when he's there pregnant after our breakup with literally no any proper explanation." A sob unintentionally left his mouth to which Hobi and Chim immediately embraced him, running their hands on their younger's back to comfort him and leave occasional pecks on his head.

It took him around 10mins to calm down. By the time, they were on the couch with their baby bear sandwiched between them. After he quieted down his cries, now just sniffing here and there, jimin is also back to his complete softie side for only his only soulmate.

"But Taetae, the baby could be your's too, right?"

💜: Am so mianhae if there are any mistakes cuz am not re-reading it at 02:02 in the night here. And plz do lemme know if there's any 🥲

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