Bonus (Part 2)

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As intended, the couple was guided and set up in two rooms of two different ends of the mansion the other has never seen. Ain't they being too cruel?

"Oh my god!! I miss him alreadyyy

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"Oh my god!! I miss him alreadyyy." Kook whines as he plops on the bed beside his son, not even five minutes he has last seen the latter.

Ggukie who was nomming his hands stopped for a moment to look at his baby mumma beside him.

"Baby. Do you also miss dada?" The baby flaps his hands and feeties in the air as if saying 'yes'.
"Ikr! Do something and take me to your dada, love. I can't live like this for 2 weeks, totally cut off from him." He pouts through his complaints and eventually lays in a proper position, hugs his baby safely and let's sleep engulf him.

Taehyung on the other hand was no any better, he roamed around almost half the mansion but damn this place is a mess, a gigantic mess. Helplessly he walked back into the stupid cold room he was guided to earlier as his. He don't want a room "his" but "theirs".

Somehow the next morning came by in the cruelly chaotic house and the couple to be is back to sulking again the first thing in the morning.

"I don't know anything now. I'm going to my baby and that's it." Taehyung with his hands balled into fists and legs with each step kicking the floor, makes his way to the door and with a quick whoosh opens it. Outside stood Jin and Jimin with the brightest of their smiles he's seeing for the first time in his life, and finds it clearly doubtful.

"Gooood Morninggg, My cute Younger brotherr!!" Jin launches onto him but pushes his lower lip out in a pout when an offended hand stops him.
"Stay away 😤"
"Aww my tiger. I'm here to take you for breakfast. What would you like to have?" With a hand massaging his hair, Jin coos. Really a one with an acting major.
"Bunny and half bunny."
"Nah nah. Now, that's not so nice of you, baby. We have got your favs."
"Bunnies are my most fav 😠"
"We've got ramen, chicken, kimchi. You gotta do with it or die hungry." And trust me he said that with sweetest smile that had Jimin on the floor.

After the breakfast Jungkook fed lil Ggukie and dressed him nicely to go and meet his dadda. "Lucky, aren't you? Gotta meet your dadda and get all of his love." He jokingly scolds the baby while pulling up the fresh pants on him, being jealous of him. "Since you deserve it, I won't stop you." He says with a kiss on Ggukie's cheek who titters out loud, that has the mumma smiling too. Jungkook loves the lil sounds his lil makes.

When they were waiting for someone to come and get the boy to his father and also the mumma sulking over for not being able to see the said father at the dining table too, then the mumma got an idea. Ggukie looked at his mumma hurrying to the white wooden desk in the corner of the room set neatly, and can see him scribble.
Lil Ggukie on his way to his dadda in the arms of uncle hobi slept mindlessly.

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