Chapter 22

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The grip on koo's hand loosening didn't help his state at all. Now it won't take the elder much time to leave him be. He clearly said he didn't wanna do anything before marriage and he'll finally hate koo. All these thoughts were starting to hurt his bunny head.
"W-what- what do you mean?"

"Taegguk is your baby. Your own blood and flesh. Not the right time but,, your own sperm." Well since Taehyung is gonna hate him now, better make him laugh one last time as well. And he did succeed, Taehyung cracked up a bit for real.

"But seriously how??" He asked, composing himself. "W-we neve-"
"We did."
Taehyung's eyes widen at the new shocking revelation.
"When did we and why don't I remember, then?"
"It's ok if you choose to not trust me but-"
"It's not about not trusting. Why wouldn't I? But how can I do this when I myself said no in the first place?"

"It was about the other time when you came really reallyyy drunk, and a lot later at night too.
"I still don't get when it was."
"You were with me at my place but then you got a call from this unknown number and said that you had to rush to somewhere and you didn't even tell me the reason." Pouted Jungkook.

"Oh! Yeah yeah!! I remember I left... something around 10 in the night?"
"Right. That once." And this time a glare is added too as he remembers the elder left when it was a movie night planned with cuddles on bonus. His favourite kind of nights.

"Why was that for even can you atleast tell me now?"
"It was from some paparazzi who got pics of you and me together." Jungkook gasps.
"Yeah. Since you said we should wait a lil bit more before we go public, I wanted to confront that person."
"ARE YOU MAD?!! That could've been really dangerous."
"Exactly why I didn't tell you before leaving."
"But that-"
"shush" Jungkook throws a glare with a pout.
"But it's strange that it was nothing like that."
"Hmm. I went there but there weren't any paparazzi instead it was Ji-min. Our CEO's daughter."

'that beatch'
"She said she wanted to talk to me and hence tricked me."
"Ikr? I was really furious." Jungkook's eyes widen. He thought that he cursed her in his head but turns out he didn't.

"But anyways I asked her to just say whatever she wanted. I wasn't even planning to sit by the table with her. I even rejected the drink she offered me but she insisted so much. I had to drink it since she also stayed stood all the time until I was. I didn't even focus on what rubbish she was spouting, was just missing you and thinking how to coax an angry bunny." Taehyung chuckles. Jungkook still blushes even in his angry tough state.

"Maybe she said something like she was interested in me and bllsht, but as I said I was lost in your thots and I don't even remember how much I drank. Then what all I remember is I was in your bed, thought maybe you or a Hyung brought me here. I waited the whole day for you to return but you never did. Instead texted about the break up thingy, I was so confused, furious and broken... And you know thenceforth.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook couldn't meet his eyes. "Don't say that. Instead tell me why you did so. Please, I'll go crazy if you still won't."
"umm umm" it was ggukie making noises. They turn around to see him.
"See? He's also saying you should."
"Oh is he?"
Taehyung nods with a grin.
"I guess I have no way then."

Knowing he has no chance of backing away now he takes a deep breath to prepare himself. He knew he couldn't hide it forever, and now is the time.

"Firstly I was scared that you won't like the fact of us doing the deed before marriage, and was so scared of what if you hate me. And... I even thot that you might not accept the baby if I got pregnant which was very much possible. But then I thot you're not a person like that. I was somewhere relieved that you would forgive me for getting intimate with you without your will and also that you'll welcome our baby happily as you like babies so much and since he's your own, I knew you'd love him like no other. A-"
"Wdym by forgiving you?"
"I'm sorry if I thot wron-"

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