Chapter 3

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A displeased sigh and a shake of head is all jihope got from their bear which definitely did no help to their already confused lil heads.
"Elaborate your answer."
In a response to Hobi, Tae finally speaks again "We never took our relationship to the next stage."

Jihope's eyes widen at that.
"You guys have literally been the loveliest couple among us all, and you say you didn't do that?"
"No, Chim"
" Was he not comfortable?" Hobi asks this time.
" Aniyoo." He pouts. "It was just... Me." A pause for his own stupidity and then he continues "I wanted it to be special, yk the cliché me. I expressed him how I wanted our first to be on our first night as husbands. But I don't think it's gonna happen anymore" Another sigh leaves his mouth.

"He might've been disappointed with that thinking maybe you didn't actually love him that much."
"No, he was rather supportive of whatever I did, Hyung. He supported me in literally everything with everything in him. But idk where we've gone wrong. Maybe we aren't just meant to be. Maybe he was never mine. Just maybe we wouldn't have crossed paths. Maybe..." A lonely tear makes its way to his cheek.

Seeing the younger in his miserable state, both his hyungs hug him with lots and lots of love.
"Don't say that. Don't doubt his love. Even if not now, he once surely did love you with all his heart you know that too, right? And maybe he has his reasons. Maybe it's not like how you think it is. Maybe the one up there has some other plans for you two. Maybe you guys are actually made for each other. Just maybe..." Jimin comforts still in the comforting hug. "Yeah. But you shouldn't have done that. The post thingy. You just fueled the fire of hatred for him" This time parting away from the hug, Hobi speaks, not disappointed nor complaining but concerned towards his other baby.

"What do you mean?" Tae asks still being clueless.

"what? Don't tell me you didn't check the bird app" To which Tae shakes his head at his soulmie. "WTF NO WONDER YOU'RE SO CALM! PABO STUPID FOOL MICHIN" And Jiminie is back to screaming.
"look." When Jimin was cursing, Hobi got Tae's handphone for him.

" When Jimin was cursing, Hobi got Tae's handphone for him

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A hand automatically reaches his mouth preventing a sob, as he squeezes his eyes tightly leaving unintentional floods of tears

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A hand automatically reaches his mouth preventing a sob, as he squeezes his eyes tightly leaving unintentional floods of tears.
How can he be so ruthless and selfish. How brave was he to not think a second time before doing so to his once love or yeah, still love.

All for his selfish self he got the younger in a really miserable and helpless situation. He feels extremely guilty of his action. It was so childish of him to act that way, throw a tantrum publicly for an IDOL of his pretty ex.
When the thought of the younger crying hit his head he immediately opened his eyes and stood up abruptly. "Hyung, Chimmie, plzzzz go and check if he's ok and please lemme know. Plz, I beg of you."

Jimin and Hobi who were just watching him with pity, moved forward to him and each held his hand.
"Calm down. Jin Hyung went to him." Taehyung sighed again before eventually falling back onto the couch.
Jihope pet his head and confronted him to take care of himself and be safe to which he just threw a nod. Also comforted him saying that now he also has something to explain, which makes them both equal. But he unheard that right away or might not even have heard it in the first place.

His hyungs wanting to give him some alone time to gather himself up, leave after making sure that he won't hurt himself, that he has a lot of things to correct and get corrected. Instead what all was in his head was the beautiful bunny smiling his oh so prettiest smile which has Tae smiling softly too and immediately another image of the same baby bunny ex of his being a crying mess showed up and shattered him. What's worse is, he knows he's the cause. Eventho he's dying to undo his accidental vicious act but the damage is made. A damage too big to be undone. Too late he is, he knows. That has him crying more rivers of his shitty good for nothing tears.

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