Chapter 21

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"Hyung, tell him to wake up. I wanna talk to him." Jungkook pouted. Taehyung was about to tease him how he got to talk to him and that he was the first one the baby laid his eyes on. But before he could, the lil boy moved in Jungkook's lap and slowly opened his eyes, his small hands became fists and he rested them above his chest.

Jungkook freezes the moment his eyes are locked with those small round ones. All this while he was wanting the baby to open his eyes so he could talk to him, but now that he did, he's at a loss of words. He just kept on staring as if having a conversation with their eyes.

"You mumma's boy. Woke up with just one word of mumma, huh?" Tae spoke to the baby. Jungkook loved it. He smiled at the baby and the baby smiled looking at him. All the hyungs who were surrounding him when the baby woke up, awed at the scene.

"Did you think of a name, Jungkookie?" Jimin asked. To which the latter just shook his head. Taehyung didn't like it at all, they did think of a name. He knows why he doesn't wanna name the baby that name but he can't help but not like it. And so he spoke..

Everyone in the room looked at him. Even Jungkook, even Taeggukie 🥺. Taehyung who was looking at the boy -having his mumma's hand in his mouth- with a smile up until now, moves his gaze to the said mumma already looking at him shocked, the smile still the same.

Looking at the two being lost in each other, Jin took the hint and to not give Jungkook any time for a rebuttal, he exclaimed while clapping twice. "Greaattt!! That's a good name."
"Soo cutee. I love it!!" Jimin followed. He literally does whatever his Jin hyung does.

"Heyy, Taeggukie. I'm Hoseokie uncle."
And they already started addressing the boy with the name. The baby moved so much as if approving the name, as if he liked being called that.


"Taehyung you should go home and get washed and changed. Don't worry, we'll be here with kook." Jin said.
"But, hyu-"
"No buts. I'm not asking, I'm ordering you."

Kook who was listening to the whole convo remembered how the elder came all soaked up to the hospital.
"Oh my God! I totally forgot, shit!! Hyung you should go and get changed. Take a warm shower too or you might catch a cold. I'm surprised how you didn't already." Jungkook scolded the one beside him.
"Maybe I was too busy to catch a cold." He joked and rubbed his nape embarrassingly with a grin.
"Seriously? Just go now. Come on, stand up." He scolded again.
"But I don't wanna." He stopped whining when he saw the double bunny glare and pouted instead.

But before leaving, he leaned to the baby who looked back at him with his own fingers in his mouth this time, hovered over his small being, rested his forehead on the baby's, his head covering his whole face. "I'm gonna miss you. Will be back soon, yeah?" And he kissed his whole face. "Bye. Take care of mumma." With one last secretive whisper to his boy, he left.
Jungkook was overwhelmed with this interaction. Maybe he loves these two together more than them seperately.

 Maybe he loves these two together more than them seperately

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