Chapter 20

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The OT was busy with doctors and nurses rushing in and out of it whenever needed while Taehyung had his eyes shut tight and hands clasped together praying for his babies to whoever up there. The hyungs were praying too. Everyone was trying to save the duo by any way they could.

As time kept ticking so did Taehyung's heartbeat. He tensed up at the noises from Jungkook eventually reducing to none.
Minutes turned to hours. Normally a cesarean would take less than an hour, but it has been past one and a half more.

Taehyung was losing his sht and then he heard a cry. A small but very loud cry that had him finally breathing. Altho Taehyung was inside the room but he was too lost and occupied to grab the incidents inside.

The baby was taken to be cleaned before being handed to the parents.
"Congratulations, Mr. Kim. It's a boy."
Unlike anyone else, he didn't react to it but immediately went and knelt beside Jungkook's bed.
"Wake up, baby. Please. You did it. You wanted to hold your baby right? Wake up then."
"Keep trying, Mr. Kim..." Taehyung looked behind at the Doctor's face who had a small smile.

"Keep trying. He might even respond. Yes, he made it. He's also fine." And Taehyung couldn't hold back anymore and broke out into silent but hysterical sobs. The elderly Doctor with a huge smile from earlier, moved to him and patted his shoulder to comfort him.
"Th- thank y..." Figuring out his struggle, the doctor beat him to it.
"It's ok. It's my Job. Congratulations again tho." Said the doctor with a smile before leaving from there.

Taehyung was back to holding his hand tight. He almost lost his everything.
"You did it, baby. Thank you for being strong. Thank you for not leaving me."

Taehyung was brought from his lil world when he heard the baby making noises to get attention that 'appa I'm back all groomed. Tell me I'm handsome.'
Taehyung smiled at his foolish thought but that became a tearful one as they for the first time landed on the lil ball of fluff. With a sniff to contain himself, Taehyung forwarded his hands to the nurses begging to be blessed with the baby in his arms.

When being shifted from one person to another, the lil champ opened his smol eyes 🥺
He was staring at the big person above him as if he fell in love at first sight. The very first thing he laid his eyes on was Taehyung.
The blinks of his smol eyes were so adorable that Taehyung smiled ear to ear and when the tiny cute pair of hands cupped his face, he showered the baby with kisses. "You're so so adorable. Just like your mumma, prince. But you'll have to be on my side. Let's protect him together, yeah?"
The baby who couldn't understand anything closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. He needs to save his mini energy to meet his mumma too.
Taehyung could swear he fell in love again.

The hyungs were informed about the safe delivery of the baby boy and also that his mumma is very much fine too. They cried happy tears and hugged each other. They were informed that the baby was with Taehyung when they demanded to see the new and adorable addition in their family.
Feeling like his body still aching in some specific places due to the contractions, Jungkook struggled to open his eyes. When he finally did he was met with the most adorable sight in his life. He's thankful to be back, and especially to witness this. The struggle to wake up was real but worth cuz the first thing he saw was the baby in Taehyung's hold who was literally kissing him everywhere. He kissed his closed sleepy eyes, his barely visible smallest button nose, those smol smol thin lips, his pretty pawsies, tiniest fingers, a forehead made to be kissed forever, and dumpling cheeks to be eaten in a whole.

"H- hyung." Feeling the need to be a part of the moment, Jungkook hoarsed out, still in his laying position.
On hearing the voice he had been dying to, Taehyung quickly went to Jungkook with the baby. Albeit being busy with the lil soul in his arms, he never once failed to check up on Jungkook every 2 minutes.

When the elder forwarded the baby towards Jungkook, he instantly knew why Taehyung was doing that earlier coz he himself had this urge to protect him and give him all the love, give him everything he has and hasn't. He can feel his eyes wetting the moment his shaky hands were gifted the best gift of his life.

"Hel-hello babie. It's mumma here." He said holding back a happy(iest) wail which ended up with a sniff. The baby smiled in his sleep when he caught his mumma's scent and snuggled close and this time Jungkook couldn't hold back a gleeful cry. Taehyung who watched the whole scene unfold before his eyes, sat on the bed beside the younger and hugged him tightly. Jungkook snuggled in just the same way the actual baby is into him. "He's.. he's so cute. The cutest." Jungkook wept which has Taehyung chuckling.
"Just like his mumma." And kissed his head. The younger was so in his happy daze that he didn't wanna think anything and be ridiculous anymore.

They were in a normal ward. When he was still unconscious he was moved here. Taehyung also followed suit with the baby becuz none of them can stay away from kook. Taehyung also got a text from Hobi that they all went to get food and Taehyung informed them to get that here in the ward where they're now.

The hyungs were back and when they entered they were shocked but still cooed seeing the three in a hug.
They put the food aside and went to the lil family and fought with each other for who'll take the baby first. Jin being the hyungest, went first ofc. Jungkook smiled at his hyungs' love for his lil love. He witnessed it himself how homely that was.

It was becoming tough for kook to stay away from his baby so he was whining until he got him back in his lap. The bunny smiled his bunny smile when he was given back his baby as if he got his favorite toy. Everyone was endeared by how in love was their youngest with the baby boy.

They all then settled to eat the food the hyungs brought.
"Jungkook-ah, come on."
"I'm not hungry, Joonie Hyung." He said with his eyes still on the baby and smiling. No one tried again when Taehyung signalled them to not. He himself served his food and went to him.
"Eat something, you needa recuperate for him."
"I don't wanna put him down."
"Who says you will. You feed your eyes on him, I'll feed you the food, hmm?"
Jungkook chuckled before nodding with a grin.

The hyungs were all happy to see Taehyung and Jungkook laughing together. They can clearly see the love overflowing between them and falling on their lil bean.

 They can clearly see the love overflowing between them and falling on their lil bean

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💜:..... I'm On Top Of The World~

I cried writing this. It was too cute to not 😣😣✨🌸

The amount of research I've did for this book and been through so many cute baby facts that...... I wanna have a baby too now 🙈🥺

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