1. New member

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"I think we should take the blond one."
George almost choke on his tee , as Lockwood made this suggestion.
"The blond one ? I would rather die."
I curl my lips into a grimace , while Georgie nodded.
Lockwood laughed, while he trapped his arm around my shoulder .
"Your both so overdramatic. How am I supposed to find a new member for our agency , when you both behave like child's ?"
"Excuse me ?"
George made a dramatic noise .
"Me ? A child ? I already accepted her , I'm not going to accept another one ."
His arm pointed to me . Before I could give a snappy answer , the bell rang .

"Donuts !"
George was on his feet before someone could stop him. I scoffed .
"When someone is a Child , then he's."
Lockwood looked at me before he raised an eyebrow .
"Don't say it like that !"
"Like what ?"
"Like You're not believing me ."
Lockwood just smirked, while I rolled my eyes.

"You win , there's one more ."
George sighed as he entered the room, making me look at him confused.
"No , I win . I checked the list . Lockwood said there would be one more , you said there would be one less . I'm right ."
George looked at me confused, before he turned his head towards the door.
"And who's this ?"

We all stare at the girl , standing in the door . The first thing I notice is , that she's gorgeous . As someone , who grew up, being insecure and still is , the first thing I see and think people see on me is the look. And I love her look. She looks self confident and somehow mysterious. I was so in my thoughts that I almost didn't feel Lockwoods arm slip from my shoulder .

"Hello , I'm Anthony Lockwood."
George and I exchange a look at each other . The Woody is a drama Queen look. The girl stepped in the room.
"I'm Lucy Carlyle and I don't have an appointment but I saw your advert in the paper, and I was in the area."
Lockwood almost started to smile .
"You've heard of us ?"
As if .
And that was the moment I started to laugh. I quickly covered my mouth but it took me one second to calm down.
"Well , may I introduce you to Helena ? She's working here too and it seems like she doesn't have manners ."
Lockwood looked at me .
"Sorry Mum."
I whispered .
"What was that ?"
"Nothing Lockwood ."
I pushed myself up from the couch, made a step towards the girl and hold my hand towards her.
"Please call me Hel."
She took my hand and shook it firmly .
"Lucy ."
She repeated her name . I stepped back and let Lockwood take over the scene . While Lucy gave him her CV , Georgie and I exchanged some gazes .
"Would you like some tea ? Or has George already offered ?"
I scoffed .

Don't get me wrong , I love Lockwood .
I mean ... not love love . Just love , like platonically.
Don't look at me like that ! I mean it !

Anyways , I like him but sometimes he forgets that we're partners , not his secretary's . But I learned to deal with his ego , like I learned to deal with George's . And I'm not into fights, so I would do most of the work.

"I coul-."
George interrupted me.
"I thought I'd wait until after the first test, see if she's still here . We've wasted enough tea bags today."
I groaned , which made all eyes look at me .
"For gods sake, I will make the fucking tea . Your both unbelievable!"
I turn my head towards the girl , who still stand lost in our doorway.
"If they get to annoying , call for help ."
And then I made my way to the kitchen .

I sat on our kitchen table, drawing a little ghost while I waited for the tea. Did I already mentioned that I hate tea ? I don't even get the concept of it , to be honest. It's just warm water with taste , like no big deal. But I learned how to make a good tea , basically Georgie forced me to learn it.

I quote :
"You don't know how to make a good tea. You learn it or I throw you out on the street."
Awww , real love .

I looked at the time and realized the tea is finished. I packed it all on a Tablet and took some biscuits . I made my way to the others .
"Ah look , there she's."
Lockwood smiled at me and I got a tiny little bit red .
I placed it down on the table before I let myself sink on the couch next to Lockwood . George was already sitting on his grandma armchair.
"Sorry it took me so long ."
I smiled at the girl in apologize .
"No , you were right in time Hel. We were about to start with the tests."
Lockwood smiled at me again. Sometimes I wonder if he knew some of my problems or if he just found them out the last months.

"What Tests ? The advert didn't say anything about tests."
I watched how she looked at George . I could basically feel her panic .
"Well frankly, I don't set much store by references or referrals. I prefer to see Talent with my own eyes."
I still could feel the panic of the girl , so I tried to calm her down.
"Don't worry .
You will not face a real ghost or something , you will not be in danger at any moment . You just need to trust yourself and your talent ."
She nodded and took a deep breath. I leaned back , so George could give Lockwood the plate with the biscuits , I made yesterday .
"Please , take a biscuit .
George will only eat them all."
Lucy took on and bite into it . I waited a second before I couldn't hold back my questions.
"And what do you think ?"
She looked at me confused before she realized .
"About the biscuits ?"
I nodded .
"I think they're good."
I smiled .
"Thank you."
Lockwood hold the plate towards me , so I could take one , but I just gave it over to George . I smiled as I saw Lockwood and George eat the biscuits too until I realized they were starring at Lucy . I quietly pushed my feet against George's and tried to hit Woody in the side but he caught my wrist , grinned at me and laid it back on my lap.

Until the very end ~ Lockwood & CoWhere stories live. Discover now