16. Beaten up

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"Hel, I need to go somewhere. How about you get Lucy and George and we meet at home?"
I looked at Lockwood confused.
"Uhm, of course."
"Good. See you later. Don't start reading without me!"
Before I could react Lockwood was already lost in the mass of people around us. I sighed before going on my seek for the other two.

"You know what Lockwood is doing ?"
I shrugged. Taking my toast out of the toaster and the ones of Lockwood of course.
"No , he just said he needed to do something and then he was already gone."
"And here I'm."
We all flinched as Lockwood suddenly appeared in the door.
"There you're ! Where were you?"
"I will show you!"
He grabbed the TV remote and started the TV. Then he grabbed his and my toast and started to smear Nutella on it.

I gasped as Lockwood appeared on the TV. What the hell. I listened to him talking about the case before he said something making my blood boil.
"Luckily, at Lockwood&Co. We have an amazing team. George Karim is a master in seeking information. Helena Baskin is the most talented feeler, I've ever got to meet and our new superstar Lucy Carlyle."
I starred at the screen , not progressing what just happened. I realized Lucy stormed out. George talking to Lockwood and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at Lockwood.
"You're fine ?"
"I think I need to throw up."
I ran to the bathroom before I threw up. My mind spinning still not progressing what happened.
I could feel Lockwoods hand on my back but I pushed him away as I stood up . I walked to the sink, cleaned my mouth and then turned to him.
"I need to be alone."
And then I went upstairs.

I sighed before knocking on Lucy's door. I never really talked to the girl but I needed to check on her.
"Go away Lockwood!"
"It's me."
The door opened and a completely destroyed Lucy came to my sigh.
I tried to smile before going inside her room.
"You decorated really pretty."
"Thank you."
I sighed turning around.
"Lockwood is an asshole. It's just his personality."
She sighed looking away.
"It's not just that he ignores my wish to be left out of public , it's my family they...."
"Can't find you ? Same Lucy darling, same."
I smiled at her before stepping a bit closer.
"Listen to me. Lockwood is an asshole but he will never let something happen to you or anyone else in this house. If your parents come to get you, they will need to step over our corps and hell, probably even Lockwoods ghost before they even get a chance to come close to you."

Lucy smiled slightly.
"Lucy , promise me not to worry.
Everything will be alright... somehow , maybe a bit crappy ... but alright, okay?"
I patted her shoulder before making my way to the door.
"Hel ?"
I turned around , looking at the girl.
"Are you alright ."
I sighed , shortly looking away before meeting the eyes of the girl again.
"No, I'm not but I will be."
I closed the door behind me as I left.

Lockwood and Lucy left an hour ago. George was downstairs doing... well something as the doorbell rang. I sighed standing up from the couch to open the door. The next thing I knew was a sharp pain as someone hit my face.
I grabbed the next thing I could get throwing it at the intruder . I don't know if I hit them but I could feel someone pulling me at my already hurt leg, making me scream in pain.
I screamed, hoping for my friend to hear me. I kicked the person , making them loose their grip. I stood up as fast as I could , trying to find a weapon.
I throw the shoes in the hallway at them , then the flowers but there was no use, they just came closer.
With my lash hope I punched them as hard as I could and then before I knew what happened , everything went black.

Why , if someone gets hurt, it is always me?

I woke up from loud noises. My head felt like shit.
I tried to push myself up, which was really hard , making me realize they my feet's and hands were tied together. I sighed. At least no tape over my mouth.
Wonderful . Really I'm having so much fun right now.
I watched in fear as someone came into the living room, in which I was , and jumped out of the window. Quickly followed by Lucy, George and Lockwood.
"Well that was more exiting then an early night. We should have people around more often."
"Yeah sure if you would have heard me scream in horror for your help, you could have joined the party earlier."

George turned around , starring in awe at me.
"I was wondering where you were!"
I groaned.
"You're kidding me? I was literally screaming your name while being dragged trough the whole floor at my hurt leg and YOU wondered where I was ?"
George shrugged.
"I didn't hear you."
"Could you please just help me out of here?"
Lockwood rushed to me with concern on his face.
"Your nose is bleeding."
I hummed in agreement. Still a bit dazzled from well ... probably getting beaten up and being unconscious for at least half an hour if not more.
"I know, I can taste my blood."
"Should we help you ?"
George looked at Lockwood and me.
"No , you and Lucy make some Coffee and something to eat while I help Hel."
They both nodded before going to the kitchen.

"You're really fine Angel?"
Lockwood ripped the tape of my hands , making me whine. His face still twisted in concern.
"Yes , of course."
"What happened?"
He ripped another tape from my skin.
"Don't really know. I just opened the door and suddenly there was a fist in my face. I had a really good fight like really epic. I threw shoes at him, he dragged me though the floor at my leg, while I scream for George. It was movie like. Had a little bit potential for an enemy's to lovers Fanfiction."

Lockwood sighed, not being amused at how amused I was.
"One time I let you alone, one time."
I shrugged.
"Well Woody , what can I say, I expected worse from
Today. Like my parents showing up at our front door."
His head snapped up.
"Your parents?"
"Don't worry about it Woody. This is a story for a night in which I didn't get beaten up."
He nodded , helping me up.
"You promise to tell it to me?"

Lockwood sighed once again before his tumb stroke over the skins between my nose and my lips and then over my lips. I shuddered under his touch, making him grin.
"You had some blood there."
He reached out for my face and this time stoke over my bottom lip.
"Is there still something ? Did I really bleed that much ?"
He grinned even more.
"No , just felt like touching you."
I could feel my face heating up and cheeks get red.
"Just shut up and help me to the kitchen."

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