11. The grave

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I winced by every step I took down the stairs. My leg was hurtling like hell, making it nearly impossible to even stand. With a sigh I let myself fall on my stool in the kitchen, grabbing a pen and starting to draw a ghost, with a hurt arm.
Sad, that this little ghost don't have legs.
I flinched, as Lockwood suddenly appeared. I didn't answer and kept drawing.
"How did you sleep?"
He asked.
He sighed , before going to our cupboard.
"Did you already decided what you will do, while we play gods."
He said the last words with so much emotions, as if it hurt him that I blamed him for doing that yesterday.
"And ?"
"I will visit some friends."
Lockwood stopped dead in his tracks.
"You never told me from your friends. I assumed you don't have any."
I shrugged.
Lockwood placed a sandwich in front of me.
My favorite.
He was making it hard to stay mad. Remember Hel, Lucy came out of his room. He doesn't like you. He's your boss. Hate him.
Don't blame me, I still have manners.

"So what friends are you visiting."
He tried to keep the conversation going. I didn't answer but kept drawing. Now there was a second ghost and he was perfectly fine. Smiling even.
He grabbed the pen from my hand, making me let out a frustrated sound.
"Talk to me, why're you so distant?"
"I just slept bad, I told you."
"Nonsense! You-."
Lockwood stopped , as Lucy entered the kitchen, making me grab the pen from his hand again.

It was cold outside. Even the sweater couldn't keep
Me warm as I wandered trough the city. Ever step hurts me but I didn't care.
I wasn't there in a long time but I felt the need to see them. With a sad sigh I let myself fall to the ground.
My eyes were looking forward.
"I know, I wasn't here for a long time. Had a lot going on. I'm working again."
It was silent, making me ripp out some grass to distract me.
"They're total idiots . I can't stand them but they're family. You all know what's that like."
Still silent.
"There's this new girl, Lucy. I think Lockwood likes her. Not that I care."
"Okay, I won't lie, I do care. It's just -
It's complicated."
I sighed letting my body lean against the grave.

Members of the Ghost group.
Born: 2005-2008
Death: 31 October 2022, ghosts touches

I stayed there for a long time, letting tears run over my cheeks, before I turned towards the grave. I took the old roses out of their vase, which were dead since along time and put new ones in. I pushed some of the leaves , which were laying on the grave , away before I leaned forward resting my head against it , just for a second.

"I'm sorry."

I murmured , before turning around and making my way back to Lockwoods&Co. I turned around once , hoping to see someone but it was just a grave.
Nothing more and nothing less.

I know this is a short chapter but I hope you still enjoyed it. I thought it would fit better if this would have a chapter on his one and not get lost in a long chapter with more story line.

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