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Zan's POV

A physical prison would do a species like mine no good. We don't live within our bodies; we live within our minds.

The way my group would be punished for helping the humans would be for the government to come after our thoughts and control them. This is not a measure that is taken lightly, but this is, to me at least, not a situation to be taken lightly.

My planet does not have to deal with problems like theft or arson. The physical properties of my planet and my species do not allow for that. We are physical beings, but to humans we would seem more like swimming minds.

When someone breaks the law, the government can break into their mind, pick it apart, and destroy them. Force the criminal to cease all contact with other creatures, make them stop thinking. A deadly action when you are what you think.

When my group formed, we knew the risks. But we did it anyway. Maybe that was stupid of us. But maybe we were just trying to live like those we were trying to save.

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