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Elizabeth made her way to the floor where her father's hospital room was. She always tried to make time to see him. It was nothing new, she'd been taking care of him for the past 20 years now. So this was nothing. "Hey Betty, nice to see you." One of the nurses greeted her as she approached the desk. "Can I go in and see him?" She asked. "Of course. Go right in." She nodded.

She carefully opened her father's door and peeked into the room. He appeared to be sleeping. She quietly shut the door behind her. "You came." He spoke in a tired voice. Elizabeth faintly smiled as she approached his bedside, "Hey, Dad." She lightly squeezed his hand and sat in the chair near his bedside. He looked exhausted, his skin yellow from the jaundice, yet he still tried to keep a positive face.

"How have you been kiddo?" He asked. "Dad I'm 33, I think you can stop calling me kiddo." Elizabeth rolled her eyes. He softly smiled, "You'll always be my kiddo." Elizabeth faintly smiled and looked through the folder of documents she brought. "So how's Alex?" He asked. "He's okay." She replied. "You two still going strong?" He asked. "We're still together if that's what you're asking."

"Are you happy?" He asked.

Elizabeth didn't know what to say. She didn't want to say anything. She could lie and say yes, but it didn't feel right. She wasn't unhappy, but 'happy'? She didn't know what the word meant anymore. "So I talked to the lawyer and he gave me this document for you to review about your will, if everything is correct then I think they'll be sending someone down with the final documents for you to sign. Mason noticed his daughter's avoidance of the question he asked and chose not to push. "Okay." He nodded.

"I also have the recent bills for the hospital here." She said handing him the documents. "Bills... right."

"Yes dad, bills."

"I know you already do so much for me, but can I ask you for a favor?" He asked.

"What is it?"

"Can you go by and check on the house for me? " He asked.


"I know...I know you haven't wanted to step foot around there after you moved out but I really need someone to check on the house." He replied.

Elizabeth sighed and gave in, "Fine, is that all?"

"Just make sure everything is okay and in order." He replied.

"Alright, well look over those documents and I'll be by to see you this weekend. I have work to do at the office so I'll be busy these next few days." She explained.

"okay." He nodded.

She made her way to the door and stopped when she heard her father's voice again.

"I love you, Betty."

She turned back to look at him and gave him a faint smile before leaving the room. All those years of having to take care of him took a toll on her. She was only 12 going through life alone, Sometimes it still felt that way. Maybe she didn't have to be alone and she did it to herself but it was what she found comfort in. People just always seemed to let her down so she preferred it that way.


Elizabeth walked through the house. Everything was slightly like what she remembered. Her bedroom was untouched. Dust covered the dining room table they no longer used when her mother left. She looked out the window toward the back yard and saw the garden she once enjoyed with her mother overgrown with a mess of weeds. After she left Elizabeth couldn't stand being out there and burdened with the memories, so she let the garden die.

She was locking up the house and getting ready to leave when she noticed a black SUV parked across the street in the home that used to belong to Taylor. She made her way to her car not thinking much of it when she heard laughing and saw a small group of people exit the home.

Taylor had been in town visiting her old home curious to see what became of it after all these years. She looked out across the street and saw a woman around her age approaching a car. She made her way toward her car with her mother, her eyes still locked on the woman. "What is it?" Andrea asked noticing her daughter's distracted gaze. "Betty?" Taylor quietly questioned. "Is that Betty?" Andrea smiled and looked at the woman.

Taylor made her way across the street just as the woman was about to get into her car. "Betty?" She asked. Elizabeth looked over and froze. The color in her face drained as if she had seen a ghost from her past and she couldn't comprehend if this was all real. "Taylor?" She asked. Taylor softly smiled, "I wasn't sure if it was really you."

"I- I had no clue you were even here?" Elizabeth questioned. The two stared, unsure of what to say or do. Taylor stepped forward and made the move to go in for a hug and Elizabeth did the same. They held each other for a while. Neither wanting to let go. "You look great." Taylor smiled and pulled away. "Same to you." Elizabeth smiled and looked up into Taylor's blue orbs. She didn't realize how much she truly missed being able to stare into those blue eyes again.

"So what have you been up to?" Taylor asked.

"Betty!" Andrea shouted as she made her way over to the two. "Mrs. Swift." Elizabeth smiled. "Just Andrea hun, it's so good to see you again." She smiled and gave her a tight hug. "Yeah, we were just catching up." Elizabeth nodded. Taylor seemed slightly annoyed at the interruption but kept a smile on her face. She silently admired Elizabeth's face, getting familiar with every detail. The crease by her eyes when she smiled, her dimples, and the small freckles on her cheeks.

"So what have you been up to?" Andrea asked. "Just work mostly." Elizabeth nodded. "What do you do for work?" Andrea asked. "I work as a financial advisor for a firm in the city, it's decent work. It pays well." Elizabeth shrugged.

"How about we get dinner later and catch up?" Taylor suggested. Elizabeth smiled, "Sounds good, I'll try and find the time."

"Can I see your phone?" Taylor asked. Elizabeth handed her phone over and watched Taylor type something into her contacts. "I can trust you to not leak this can I?" Taylor joked. "They'd have to offer me more than your net worth." Elizabeth joked and took her phone back as the two laughed. "I'll send you a text to let you know it's me and I'll get back to you later tonight."

"I'll send you the details." Taylor smiled and walked off to her car.

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