Part 6

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Gus: I'm doing my best.

Hunter: You're not doing anything.

Gus: Yes, that's what I'm best at.


 Willow: Oh gosh I wish I got more sleep I only got six hours!

Amity: Six? I only got three!

Hunter: You guys got sleep?

Luz, comes stumbling out of their room and grabs a jug of coffee before saying: What year is it??


 Amity: I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

Luz: Dang, that sounds like a marriage proposal.

Amity, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is.


Gus: Yo! I heard you like reptiles, got any fun facts?

Hunter: If a crocodile eats your dad, they become your new dad.


 Luz: I'm so excited!

Amity: We're gonna have the best costumes, get the most candy...

Luz: And have the biggest stomach aches ever!

Amity: Yeah!


 Willow: Why don't we just call it, "M.C. Donald's?"

Hunter: Because it just sounds like a stupid rapper's name.

Amity: It'd just be like- "Eyo, it's ya boy, M.C. Donald!"


Gus: Willow, I beg of you. Please, PLEASE go to the doctor.

Willow: Hey, I'm sorry. Is this OUR stab wound?


Willow: *Gasp*

Amity: wHAT??

Willow: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish?

Amity: *inhales*

Luz, in another room with Gus: Why can I hear screeching?


 Willow: You use humor to deflect your trauma.

Hunter: Awww, thanks-

Willow: That's not a good thing.

Hunter: All I'm hearing is that you think I'm funny. 


Willow: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like... a lawyer to you. Ok?

Gus: Okay.


Hunter: Gus! Sit down on the chair, you're in trouble.

Willow, whispering: Deny everything.

Gus, loudly: That isn't a chair. 

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