Things are Getting Bad, Again

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Stan grumbled at the sound of his alarm, annoyingly reminding him that he has to wake up. Every day was the same. Wake up, do shit, sleep, repeat. It all felt so boring to him. Nothing exciting really happens anymore.

After graduating high school, Stan was ecstatic to finally leave his home town that was filled with bad memories. Sure, there were good memories, but he needed a fresh start. What was even better, though, was he knew he'd be going to the same college as some of his best friends: Kenny, Butters, Tweek, Craig (who really only tolerated Stan for Tweek), Tolkien, and, well, his not-so-good-friend Cartman. However, he was most excited to be going to college with his super-best-friend Kyle, a title they gave each other back when they were kids, and the person Stan had been quietly crushing on since high school. Everything seemed so simple at the time, but he quickly learned his brain would never let things be simple.


Stan gripped his phone, squinting at the bright light shining directly in front of his eyes. He hit the snooze button, hoping for ten more minutes of peace.

"Stan!" A loud voice shouted from downstairs, making Stan cringe, "I made coffee, come down before Kenny drinks it all!"

Stan smashed his face in his pillow, groaning at the fact that he had to get up for another day. At least he was off today.

Stan worked at a smoke shop, which Kenny continuously teased him for since "vapes are for pussies" and to just "smoke a cigarette like a man". Stan would always argue back that he switched to vape to stop smoking cigarettes, and the fact that the smoke shop he worked at also sold weed, which Kenny is no stranger to. Stan tried to work during the times where Kyle was in class, since Stan was only taking a couple online courses this year. Kyle didn't have a job, so it was easy to find a schedule that would allow for the two to hang out more. Kenny was currently working at a car shop pretty much full time, having dropped out of college because he couldn't pay his loans on top of all the other bills. Kyle didn't work, and his parents paid for his rent because they just wanted him to focus on his studies without added stress. Cartman didn't live with the three of them, instead he stayed in the dorms as a RA. He was surprisingly good at keeping the freshman in the dorms in check, and he loved getting paid to yell at people and get people in trouble.

"Stan! Ass down here! Now!"

Stan threw the pillow across the room, moving his heavy legs off the bed. He just kind of slid off, not standing up until absolutely necessary.

Kyle continued to pour coffee into three cups, fighting Kenny off so Stan could at least have one. He watched as Stan slid down the stairs of their townhouse-like apartment on his butt, making him chuckle.

"What?" Stan smirked, "I do remember you saying 'ass down here'."

"Just drink up before Kenny pulls a muscle."

Kenny made some sort of animalistic noise, grabbing his already half-drank cup of coffee. Stan laughed and grabbed the other cup that Kyle handed him. Their fingers slightly brushed, sending a jolt up Stan's spine.

"Jumpy today I see," Kyle said, trying to mask the fact that a slight jolt had also struck him. Kyle liked Stan too, has for a while now, but would never admit it. He knows Stan is straight.

Stan quickly took a sip of the coffee before answering, "I'm not a morning person."

"We know," Kenny piped up, wiping his mouth. Stan rolled his eyes and sat down at the table.

While Kyle and Kenny got side tracked in some sort of conversation, Stan got lost in thought. He had stopped taking his medication, getting too lazy to go back in for a refill.

Fuck, I should not have slipped up like that. Kyle's my best friend, and I know I'd just end up hurting him. I have to keep my composure. God, is there any tequila in the house? Just a bit in my coffee wouldn't hurt. Fuck.

Stan was ripped back into reality by Kyle's fingers snapping in his face.

"Earth to Stan," he said, Stan smacking his hand away, "did you even hear what I asked?"

Stan looked up to see his best friend standing confidently with his arms crossed.

"," Stan sighed.

Kyle huffed, repeating his question, "Kenny wants to know if it's okay to host a party after the Rocky Mountain Showdown. Is that okay?"

He looked at Kenny, then back and Kyle. He had almost forgotten about the game, despite being on the football team. This was a huge event, how could he forget? The Rocky Mountain Showdown: CU Boulder against CSU. Of course they were going to have a party, especially if they win.

"Yeah, fine with me," Stan said as Kenny threw his arms in the air with success. Kenny was on the team too, but he didn't care if they won or lost. He wasn't even technically supposed to be on the team, having dropped out, but the coach couldn't lose Kenny's unnatural strength and fearlessness of getting hurt.

"Great, I'll start planning. I'll just-" Kenny was cut off by Kyle snatching the coffee pot away from his grabby hands.

"You already had two cups. You're cut off," Kyle sneered.

Stan looked down at his barely-sipped coffee, and handed it to Kenny, "here, you can finish mine."

Kyle looked at Stan with disapproval, but sighed in defeat. He had noticed Stan's appetite had diminished recently, but didn't think too much about it. Stan was a football player after all, he probably snacked a lot when people weren't around.

Stan went back to his room, sloping down on his bed once again. He didn't have much energy to do much nowadays, and he just wanted to sleep.


Words: 978 

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