Life seems different now

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Hongjoong stops in his tracks with confusion written all over his face. Seonghwa still tries to pull him forward but to no avail.
"This is your birthday gift to me? I know I said you don't have to get me anything but what is this? Why are we here?"
The male's eye inspects the white building with a cup and snake drawn on it.
"It's...we have an appointment here."
"Are you sick? What's wrong?" worry settles in his voice.
"No, have an appointment, not me."

"I do?"
He takes a few steps forward before stopping again.
"Yes, I made one."
"Why? Seonghwa, just what the hell is this about?"
"Please, trust me. Let's go inside or we will be late. You will get your explanation, I promise."
Hongjoong lets the man drag him inside the white building. The walls were spotless and the floors swept to perfection. Everything screamed cleanliness.
Seonghwa catches one of the staff on their way somewhere.
"Excuse me, hello, we have an appointment with doctor Seo, scheduled after five minutes. Could you tell us where to find room twenty nine?"

The nurse points to the left corridor and smiles before taking off in the opposite direction.
"Seonghwa..." Hongjoong calls the other while they walk down the hallway, looking at the numbers by the doors.
"It will be alright, just you wait." the other rubs his thumb against the surface of Hongjoong's hand.
He knocks on the wooden surface, which is painted white and enters with Hongjoong in tow.
"Good morning, doctor."
An old man with thick grey hair greets them, his eyes watching the two men behind the thin frame of glasses.
"Good morning, mr. Park, mr. Kim. Please, sit down."
Hongjoong sits on the sofa, which would feel way more soft if his posture wouldn't be so stiff.

Why is he having an appointment to the doctors again?

"I have to say that the information you have given me is vague, mr. Park, so I will have to ask you to let me inspect him myself. Would that be alright with you, mr. Kim?"
"I believe you are in a better position than me, doctor, because I don't know anything at all."
"I am afraid I don't understand."
"Hongjoong." Seonghwa brings the man's attention to him.
"I made an appointment so doctor Seo can check you and maybe do a surgery if that is still possible to heal your right eye..."
"My right eye?" the male repeats.
"Yes, I heard it was damaged. Would you please take the cloth off so I can take a look?" the man slowly gets up from his chair.

Shivers run through his body.

"No!" he shouts and jumps up from the chair.
"Hongjoong, it's alright, really, he knows what is he doing, doctor Seo is a really good doctor."
"Mr. Kim, I assure you, it will not hurt."
Hongjoong shakes his head while backing away.
"No, no, no." panic sinks its teeth in him.
"I don't want to! Why the hell did you bring me here? You should have consulted with me first, damn it!" he yells at the man sitting down before reaching the doors and getting out in the empty hallway.
He doesn't go far, only slinging against the hospital wall for balance.

His eye is a lost cause, too much time has gone by, it probably is infected, looks awful and is incurable no matter how good of a surgeon the old man seems to be.
"Hongjoong..." Seonghwa closes the cabinet door and takes a step closer.
"We should have talked this through. What exactly made you think that bringing me here without any warning was a good idea?"
"I wanted this to be a surprise..."
"It was one hell of a surprise, I'll give you that."
"Sorry Hongjoong, I'm sorry, I didn't know..."
"What? That I will throw a tantrum and refuse? That I don't find this a good idea?"
"But why not? You could get back your vision fully!" Seonghwa rests his shoulder against the wall.
"That is very unlikely to happen, it has been too long since the damage was done. The only thing you could have done was to buy me an eyepatch so I look like a pirate."

"I'm sorry, I really am but since we're already here...why don't you try? It will just be a fast check up and that's it, then we can get out of here."
"Seonghwa, don't."
"Please, please, Hongjoong." he takes the man's hand in both of his.
"I can't, the anxiety will suffocate me before the doctor will even finish unwrapping the wound."
"I promise it will be alright, you will be alright, doctor Seo will treat you well, I will be right beside you, I promise."
"You can't promise things you don't know, you know that, right?" Hongjoong lifts his head to look at the male.

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