Chapter 14 - Breakdowns

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Abhimanyu entered his room and flung his jacket onto his bed. He ran his hand through his hair, distressed by the happenings of last night. Images of Akshara's beaten face, swollen lips, the marks on her neck, the bruises on her cheeks flashed before his mind. Abhimanyu felt his chest clogging up at even the slightest remembrance of her in pain.

Tears rolled down Abhimanyu's puffy red eyes, as his breathing became shallow. He fell down onto his knees, just venting silently about the entire ordeal.

He wanted to scream. He wanted to shout.

His Akshara should not have had to gone through that. Only if he had not been such a coward. Only if he had told her to not marry Rehaan straight up. Only if he had professed his love for her the moment the talks about her wedding started doing rounds.

Only then...

Only then his Akshara would have been safe and not traumatized.

But she was safe now, he tried to tell his heart. She was with her family. Kartik uncle and Naira aunty would take care of Akshara and protect her fiercely like a lion and lioness did their cub.

She was safe.

Safe? His brain chastised him. They are the reason she agreed to marry that Rehaan in the first place, his brain taunted him. They weren't able to see through their own daughter's unhappiness as she came home every day, losing a bit of her light, her shininess dulling, bit by bit.

Tears rolled down Abhimanyu's eyes as he sobbed uncontrollably, feeling as if he was going crazy. His knees gave out, as his mind began turning and his world began tilting. He was just about to hit the ground, shoulder first when he felt large, sturdy arms being wrapped around him.

"Abhimanyu!" Harshvardhan Birla yelled, gripping his son tight, not letting him fall.

Harshvardhan Birla held his son, who was lost into oblivion against his chest, gently caressing his head, shushing him quietly. "Abhimanyu, son."

Abhimanyu sobbed against his father's chest, clutching onto him. "I can't stop thinking about her, Dad. What if I hadn't gotten there in time? What if I hadn't been able to save her? What if...what if she had gotten married to him?"

Harshvardhan closed his eyes, trying to seep in Abhimanyu's pain. "If, Abhimanyu. If being the key word, son. If you hadn't been able to save her. If she had married him. But you did save her. And she isn't getting married to him." His father explained.

"I love her, Dad. I love her so fucking much. I am in love with her. I had been in love with her since...I don't even know. I could have lost her, Dad. I don't want to lose her, Dad." Abhimanyu sobbed, rubbing his nose against Harshvardhan's chest.

"You won't , you won't lose her, Son. She loves you, you love her. I know Naira and Kartik are scared –their protective instincts have kicked in. They'll need time –need convincing –but they will come around. They won't hurt their daughter, not now, not ever. They...they just need some time to reflect on what happened today –as a family."

"I can't live without her, Dad. I'll die –

"Shush! My son is not allowed to talk about dying. Whatever it is, we will figure it out together. And I –I will always support you, okay?"

Abhimanyu pulled away from Harshvardhan's chest and looked his son in the eyes. "Okay, Dad."

"Now that's like my good son. Now stop crying." Harshvardhan moved his hands to wipe away Abhimanyu's tears. "And go take a bath. It'll help you feel better."

Abhimanyu nodded his head as both Harshvardhan and him stood up from the place on the floor. "Thanks, Dad."

Harshvardhan tapped Abhimanyu's cheek playfully. "No go shower. I'll be waiting."

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