Chapter 15 - Waking Nightmare

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"You whore! You fucking slut! How dare you!" Rehaan's voice boomed in her ears as she felt his strong hands wrapping themselves against her delicate neck, squeezing the air out of her lungs.

Akshara felt the floor beneath her feet disappear as she was lifted high up in the air, her creamy flesh turning purple with the lack of oxygen.

She struggled against Rehaan's hold, kicking her feet, clawing at his hands, but none of her actions were of any use.

"Please." She croaked, pleading with Rehaan to let her go. "Please..." She gasped, tears rolling down her eyes at the thought that she may never get to see Abhimanyu again. To tell him she loved him, only him.

"Akshara!" A harsh shaking of her shoulders awoke Akshara.

"Abhi..." She could hear his voice in the distance. Abhi. Her Abhi was here to save her!

"Akshara! Wake up! Please! You are having a nightmare." Abhimanyu panicked, shaking Akshara ruthlessly to bring her out of her trance.

Akshara opened her eyes and saw Abhimanyu leaning down over her, his eyes narrowed, his brows furrowed and his strong hands covering her shoulders.

"Abhi..." Akshara gasped for air, feeling Abhimanyu beside her. She felt the saltiness of her tears as she spoke. Her palms were sweaty and her forehead was damp as well.

"You were having a nightmare, Little One." Abhimanyu helped Akshara sit up.

Tears rolled down Akshara's eyes as she recalled the basis of her nightmare. "Abhi...I...." Akshara was breathless and grappling for words. "I...Rehaan..."

Abhimanyu's eyes softened in concern and understanding as he pulled Akshara against his chest, resting her head over the erratic beating of his heart. No words were exchanged as they both wrapped each other in their arms, letting calmness seep through them. Abhimanyu kissed the top of Akshara's head as she held onto his strong forearms, letting her tears soak his shirt.

Abhimanyu pulled back from Akshara and looked down at her tear stained face. Somewhere along the night, Akshara must have woken up and slid her body out and away from Abhimanyu's arms. Out of his tight grip on her waist, maintaining a distance between them.

And the distance between them might have been what triggered her nightmares. She needed Abhimanyu. Because every moment she spent apart from him, away from his strong, protective arms, reminded her of how she had been on the brink of losing him.

She had made that mistake once. She didn't want to make it again.

Abhimanyu pulled back from Akshara and leaned back to grab a hold of the glass of water on his nightstand. "Here." He said, offering her the glass of water.

Akshara took the glass and gulped it down. She hadn't realized just how dry her throat had been feeling until Abhimanyu offered her the water.

As Akshara drank the water, Abhimanyu walked over to the bedroom door and locked it, not wanting to have her parents see her in this condition. The only thing they would do is get more worried about her health and wellbeing.

Once he came back and took his place on the bed, Akshara handed Abhimanyu the empty glass of water. "Better?" He asked her.

She nodded her head. "Yes." It wasn't a complete lie. But she still felt the remnants of the nightmare crawling up her skin.

She looked over at Abhimanyu, feeling a little bit guilty. A little selfish.

Abhimanyu's eyes found Akshara's silently pleading ones. "What is that you need, Akshara?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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