Chapter 2: remember you (James)

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I sat there with my friends. I don't really want to be here, I want to be at home. With her. It's been 10 years since I've seen her or even talked to her. Oh, Eloise smith, I love you so. I've never had a crush on another girl, never dated anyone. You own my heart girl. No one else. Imagine, Eloise Rolland, even James smith. If we ever got together, my heart would melt.


I sit in my university room, waiting for Evan, my room-mate, to come back. He went out with his 'girlfriend' for dinner. Bet he just went to the pub for a drink. With his short dirty blond hair slicked back with gel. It looked...delightful.

It was just me myself and I. Memories of her circling my thoughts...

James: look, Elle. It's a tiger!

Eloise: and a lion, quick, grab a sword!

James: beware, it could be dangerous

I laughed to myself about the expression Eloise, Elle, had on her face. She looked like she had just shit herself. It was hilarious.

Finally, Evan came back from his 'date'. At least I wasn't alone anymore. Evan turned off all the lights and said goodnight. There I was, laying in my boxer's on my bed, by myself.

He immediately went to sleep. Once again, alone.


Should I text her, I mean maybe she misses me too? But what if she doesn't miss me? It's been 10 years, she got to miss me, she has too! Nah, I won't. I should though, right? You know what? I will! But act uninterested.

James: hey Elle, remember me? I'm bored af, wanna talk?

Was I waiting on a response? Yes! Was I expecting one? No!

I quickly glance at my clock. 3:23 a.m.

So, it would be 12:23 a.m. there, I don't know much about her, but from memory, she's asleep at like 10 p.m. every-night.

I turn off my phone and lay in my dark room.


My phone lit up the room and I saw it.

Eloise smith: hi?

I jumped up in excitement, she texted me back! I could not believe it. Before I could respond another message appeared.

Eloise smith: who are you?? I don't have your contact saved!

The hope in my heart faded. I was truly alone!


There I was, laying in the dark. the time on my clock said 5:27 a.m. I had only been sleeping for 2 hours. I didn't bother to text Elle back, I was only going to be hurt more.

I stumbled out of bed and into my dressing gown, covering my boxers from the world. I grabbed my phone and thong's. I slowly opened the door to go take a shower, to wake myself up. There I was 20-years-old, single and alone. Of course, out of anyone, it was me. even my best mate had a date. I was waiting on a girl who doesn't even remember me.


As I was butt naked and about to jump in the shower, I looked at the notification.

Eloise smith: wait? James? Is this you?

Eloise smith: holy shit, it is you. Omg! Hiii

My frown immediately flip's. For the first time in years, I'm beaming. She remembers me! I couldn't believe it!

I stand there, shower running just staring at the notifications, not even opening the message. I won't respond, it'll make me seem desperate.

I jump in the shower and quickly wash my body and jump out. The time: 5:53 a.m. I was fully awake now, but wait? What was she doing awake at 2 am? I didn't think twice about it and sent her a text back.

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