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Brandy Bradshaw, who is known as "Daredevil," is one of three siblings and a skilled fighter pilot. Her father, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, was also a renowned pilot but passed away when Brandy was only two years old. Unfortunately, her mother Carole also died from cancer. Despite having two brothers in the same field, Brandy often faces discrimination due to being a woman. However, when  provoked too much you wouldn't want to be on the other side of her.

Her specialty

dog fighting.

Although she possessed exceptional skills and posed a significant risk, her tendency to ignore logical thinking went beyond recklessness and approached the realm of foolishness.

Early in the morning, Brandy went to an unexpected meeting with her Rear Admiral. Though she expected it to be another warning, she felt fine. As she neared the office, she checked the time and made sure everything was in order. When she reached the door, she lifted her hand and gave it a knock.


As arrogant as it sounded, she knew they wouldn't let her go. She was one of the Navy's best dogfighters, but what she was about to be told was the last thing on her mind.

"Admiral Moore," After opening the door, she acknowledged him with a nod as he sat behind a disorganized desk. Following this, she shut the door and stood upright until he gestured for her to take a seat. She then sank into the padded wooden chair and folded her hands on her lap.

"I never thought I would say this, Daredevil, but despite your history, you've been provisionally selected and posted Lieutenant Bradshaw", with a shocked expression, she asked.

"May I ask where,, Sir?"

"North Island" This time, her eyes widened at his words. "Admiral Kazansky personally selected you to return to Top Gun. "Iceman" Iceman had selected her; why would he want her back there?

"You leave tomorrow morning; i'll let you have the rest of the day to get packed, your dismissed."

She gave him a curt nod as she stood and exited the room quickly, closing the door tightly behind her. She walked quickly with a smile, she was going home, back to Top Gun, and she was sure she wasn't the only Bradshaw being called back. 

As if somebody was watching her, her phone pinged when she returned to her dorm, alerting a new message.

                                                       TRIPLE THREAT


You will not believe what just happened


I might have an idea


           Does it have anything to do with a place called Lemoore California


How'd you know


Danny... Think for a minute.


Ohhhhh..got it now


                         Well, boys, it looks like it's going to be a Bradshaw reunion.

Brandy smiled at the fact she was going back to Top Gun with her brothers but little did she know what this mission really entails.



Hiiii, I just want to thank all who gave this story a shot, and I'm sorry this chapter is a little short. I'm going to make the rest longer. Also, please bear with me if the writing is not the best; I'm working on it.

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