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As the hot California sunsets and the air cools, the Hard Deck, the bar that collectively holds the Navy, the drunk, and everything in between. The smell of oak, beer, salt, and sand. The Hard Deck was packed and loud. Three naval aviators, including the arrogant Hangman, who considers himself superior to others with his best friend Coyote, as well as Danny, also known as Ghost, who is an attractive 6'3 brunette with good looks and solid genes like his brother Rooster both say its the good Bradshaw genes. Ghost was playing darts alone while trying to avoid Hangman's company. Fortunately for him, someone arrived just in time.

"Well, if it aint Phoenix," Hangman sets down the pool stick as the group walks over.

" here, I thought we were special coyote, you can fly with anyone" Hangman nodded to his best friend.

"I thought you would have figured that out when you were invited Hangman," Danny spoke as he gave phoenix a side hug and hello and then nodded to Payback and Fan Boy.

"Where are the other members of your trio."

"Ah, they'll make their dramatic entrances at some point, as usual."

"Boys, this is the infamous bagman," Phoenix nodded to the cocky blonde.

"Hangman", he correct

" same thing," Danny spoke.

" You're looking at one of two Naval Aviator on active duty with a confirmed air-to-air kill." Phoenix smirked.

"Stop," Hangman signed

"Mind you; the other guy was in a museum piece from the Korean War,"

Ghost smirked, taking a moment to embarrass the all too cocky man.

"Cold war." Coyote corrected.

"Different war's, same century," Payback nodded.

"Who're your's friends?" Coyote raised an eyebrow leaning on the pool table.

"Payback," the taller of the two spoke.

"Fan Boy" the shorter one.

"Hey, Coyote," Phoenix smiled

"Hey, he spoke with a smirk

"Wait, you said one of two," Coyote spoke

"who's the other one?"

Danny and Phoenix shared a look when Danny spoke proudly

"My sister."

Ghost nodded his head to the side

"Who he"

"Who's who?' Ghost nodded to a shy-looking man with glasses eating peanuts leaning against the wall.

'When you get in" Coyote asked him

The man looked up as if he were shocked that they had noticed him. "Oh, I've been here the whole time."

"the mans a stealth pilot".

"Weapons systems office." he spoke with confidence

"With no sense of humor,"

"What do they call you?' Phoenix inquired with an inquisitive tone.

"Bob," he said shyly

"No, your call sign."

"Uh.... Bob,". he replied, confused.

A look of realization came over Phoenix's face as she asked

"Wait, Bob Floyd, you're my new backseater? From Lemoore?' she questioned with some excitement.

The Bradshaws: A TopGun Maverick StoryWhere stories live. Discover now