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"Yo, Coyote. take a look at this" 

"The man, the legend. there he is." 

"No, no,  not him. Next to him" 

As the camera pans to a picture of Goose and Maverick in their TopGun days 

" he looks familiar to you?" 

"Bradshaw as I live and breathe" 

"Time is your greatest enemy" 

"Phase one of the mission will be a low-level ingress attack in two-plane teams. You'll fly along this narrow canyon to your target. Radar-guided surface-to-air missiles defend the area. these sams, they're lethal. But they were designed to protect the skies above, not the canyon below." 

"That's because the enemy knows nobody would be crazy enough to try" 

" that's exactly what I'm gonna train you to do" 

at Maverick's words the worry and stress started building in Daredevil's mind, would they even survive? 

" On the day, your altitude will be 100 feet maximum. you exceed this altitude...Radar will spot you and you're dead. your airspeed will be 600 knots minimum. time to target two and a half minutes. That's because fifth-generation fighters wait at an air base nearby. In a head-to-head- with these planes in your f-18s, you're dead. that's why you need to get in, hit your targets, and be gone before these planes even have a chance of catching you, in need of backup a decoy will also be deployed." 

at his words of a decoy, confused words were sent across the room among everyone." 

"This makes time youre greatest adversary."

"You will fly a route in your navy system that simulates the canyon. The faster you navigate this canyon, the harder it will be to stay under the radar of these enemy sams. The tighter the turns, the more intensely the force of gravity on your body multiplies... Compressing your lungs... Forcing the blood from your brain... Impairing your judgment and reaction time. So for today's lesson, we're gonna take it easy on you. Max ceiling:300 feet. Time to target: Three minutes.

"Good luck" 

"Time to target is one minute 30. We are two seconds behind. Increase to 480 knots.

"We got to move Coyote."

" Copy, increasing speed."

" oh, oh shit!"

" Why are they dead?" 

"We broke the 300 foot ceiling, and a sam took us out."

"No. why are they dead?" 

"I slowed down and didn't give her a warning. It was my fault."

 " Was there a reason you didn't communicate with your team." "One that their family will accept at the funeral." 

"None Sir." 

"Why didn't you anticipate the turn?" "you were briefed on the terrain. Don't tell me. Tell it to his family. "

"Hangman, ease up. The canyon's getting tighter." 

"Negative, payback. Increase your speed." 

"You're going too fast, man. No harm in being ahead of schedule." 

" Damn it, slow down! I can't stay on the course!" 

"You're gonna hit the wall! Watch out! Watch out!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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