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The following day everyone was getting settled in the hangar, waiting for instruction; Rooster and Ghost sat beside each other while Daredevil sat behind them.

"Attention on deck" 

"Good Morning, welcome to your special training detachment; you may be seated. I am Admiral Bates, NAWDC commander. You're all top gun graduates, the elite, and the best. That was yesterday. The enemy's new fifth-generation fighter has leveled the playing field. Details are few, but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage.

"Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box."Upon hearing those words, Phoenix and Daredevil gesture the middle finger toward Hangman.

"Half of you will make the cut, and one of you will be made team leader." Hangman gazes at Rooster and Ghost, who returns his stare with intensity.

"Your instructor is a TopGun graduate with real-world experiences in every mission aspect you will be aspected to master," As the sound of heavy footsteps grew louder and louder, Bates raised his voice. The pilots were filled with anticipation, eager to discover the identity of their instructor.

"His exploits are legendary." how legendary are we talking, Brandy thinks. 

"He is considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced." at his words, heads turn, and Hangman swiftly recognizes him as the person he ejected from the Hard deck. Ghost, Rooster, and Daredevil exchange a look of surprise and annoyance. "What he has to teach you may very well be the difference between life and death, I give you Captian Pete Mitchell, call sign Maverick."  Brandy avoids looking at the front, whereas Ghost maintains a forward gaze and Rooster intensely focuses his eyes.

"Good morning, the f-18 natops it contains everything they want to know about your aircraft. I'm assuming you know the book inside and out." A couple of proud answers ring throughout the room. "Damn right" "Damn straight""You got it."

Maverick raises one eyebrow while smirking and proceeds to discard the book in the garbage. "So does your enemy." "Here we go," Brandy sighs with a forehead rub. "Anything you like to say, Lieutenant Bradshaw." As Brandy looks up with a straight stoic face, she answers sharply "No, sir"

Maverick returns his gaze to the rest of the Pilots

"But what the enemy doesn't know is your limits. I'm going to find them, test them, and push beyond them. Today we will start with what you know; show me what you're made of."

The trio of siblings stepped onto the scorching runway, clad in flight gear and carrying their helmets. The front of each helmet displayed a unique call sign: Rooster's had a combination of red, white, and black colors, daredevils were predominantly red and white with horn designs on the sides, while Ghost's was primarily white and black. "Bradley, Danny, Brandy" The trio kept walking. "Rooster, Ghost, Daredevil" still no response"Lieutenant Bradshaw's," Maverick called with more force causing the three to stop. 

Danny spoke up "yes sir" "Let's not do it like this," he said as he shook his head. "Are you gonna wash us out?" Rooster raised an eyebrow"That'll be up to the three of you," he scanned their faces. "Are we dismissed" Ghost glared at the older man? With a sigh, Maverick nodded his head; Ghost and Rooster quickly walked away, but before Daredevil did, she had to get the last word in. "I hope you remember that this was your fault." Maverick just watched as she went and put his head down. Before either of them got into their jets, Brandy called out to Ghost and Rooster."Hey, you two, be careful out there." "Us always," Rooster nodded "Hey," Danny starts, "I feel the need."

The Bradshaws: A TopGun Maverick StoryWhere stories live. Discover now