Seventeenth. Heated moment of bliss

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( Mature warning )

I try being minimalistic, in showing my blitheness of joy, I am feeling. Which was proving to keep in check, failing, having a smile that reaches my ears.

I received stares of peculiarity, from two elderly gentleman wearing lumber wear walking past, only I chose to ignore their wandering eyes setting my sight on mike.

he stood close to Bella, who stood with both feet facing in the opposing way as if readying herself to walk off.

with a rough shove to my drivers side door, of my car, it echoes. Mike turns his body, to see me staring inattentively, as my legs carry me to where Bella stood. pleased in seeing it was me who came to her rescue.

" Decker. Hey! I was just talking with Bella, here, relating to you and Cullen. I see you are together, now. how cool is that! I would have never expect you and him. Of all people. Not that is a bad thing! I am an ally, after all. I support homosexuality, gay rights and everything." he stammers, his words and face momentarily disconcerted before stopping, he is interrupted.

Bella was struggling to hold in her laugh, at the reddening of his cheeks, leaning her body in and taking my arm. " we can talk, later, Mike. right now, we are running behind on time to have dinner with my dad."

He rushingly nods. " yeah, of course. That is cool. Go ahead!"

Non-committal, I lazily put my arm over Bella and have to suppress a roll of my eyes when Mike waves with a hand still shoved in his varsity jacket. " interesting enough, I was expecting him to have a different approach, when hearing of you and Edward being a couple. I expected to hear a form of homophobia, like I would back in Phoenix in the halls and classrooms. I was ready to fight, and come to your defence, if mike or even one of the other players on his team, decided to speak negatively."

the bell tolls over, signalling our entry to the Cafe. " He surely left me baffled, but relieved."

Charlie is waiting at the usual table, and spot, reading todays news paper. He hums, acknowledging, doing a once over of Bella and i seating ourselves down in chairs. " I ordered you a spinach salad, Bells. for you, Kai, I was not quite positive to what you uh wanted. so I chose a pasta carbonara."

I gave a soft " Thank you." to Charlie, for ordering my food. Cora sets in front, of me, a dish of pasta including a piece of garlic bread, then serves Bella and Charlie. " you should order a salad, next time, dad. Cut back on these steaks and have some other choices of nutrients." She quips, in a good humoured tonality.

Charlie eye brows flicker up, " hey. i am healthy as a horse."

that earns a laugh from me.

Cora stares, sombrely. Resting a hand behind my shoulder, on the chair. " say chief, the boys want to know, you find anything down by Queets river. Today?" She sounds disquiet with worry, looking to Charlie for an answer. I notice two older gentleman were listening in, a table behind. he begins answering, framing his words carefully, being made aware. " the suspects keep moving east. we found a bare human foot print, heading in the way of Kitsap county. The sheriff is going to take over the investigation from this point."

a measure of relief passes Cora's face. " I hope they catch whoever is doing these heinous things, and fast." She gave a unsure chuckle, an indication of doubt, before leaving to continue her job. I felt sympathetic for her, and those in fear of living life in the unknown to the horrors of this world.

The monsters who live with no mercy, who end the lives of the innocent. I didn't wish to meet this evil, having the chills just thinking of it.

My attention becomes focus on Mike and Tyler, having straws placed in their noses pretending in being Walrus's. 'He is seriously wriggling his hips in the bush. only Newton would do that.' he was swaying his waist, provocatively, in the fern brush. " looks like your friends are flagging, you two. It's fine if you want to go and join them, outside."

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