Four. alliances formed

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Alice wrote a message on a torn chapter out of a book 'Merchant of Venice'

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Alice wrote a message on a torn chapter out of a book 'Merchant of Venice'. She had left, and Jasper too, when we needed both the most. Leaving two seperate notes for Bella then myself. cryptic but with one thing that was certain, that is the Volturi were coming after the snow sticks.

Bella had went to the Denali's, first, Felix conducted the idea of bringing Leah in hopes of convincing the ones we call cousins. Though proving renesmee was not an immortal child would come with the greatest challenge to face, fear. Fear of the unknown.

When introducing Caitlyn to Carmen and Eleazar he was astonished, a prospect of me birthing a baby not the concept he could imagine. Carmen and Kate, unequivocal about her being the same as Ness, was quick to change opinions instantaneously after holding my daughter.

Tanya, contrary her earlier reaction of Ness, came around. She had decided on going to visit Charlie, after arriving to the Cullens.

Carlisle and Esme travelled thousands of miles to Cairo, Egypt. bringing home the Egyptian coven consisting of four individuals, one having an extraordinary gift that is controlling each element. Earth, wind, air and fire.

'I could do each with ease, as well, not to glorify my ego already.'

Benjamin had his hand, grasping, over Ness's. summoning a whirlwind tornado of dirt, flicking his wrist, and Ness stares in wonder as her hair whips. Even I was amazed.

" that is honestly brilliant. And very cool." I state, expressing admiration. A smile of respect; an obligation presenting as estimation, even, forms over his mouth. like my words were the highest of praise. Bree shares the awe-struck expression, her first experience of seeing a vampires ability.

" Are you seeing this, dad?" I gave a light half-smile, I would never be use to her saying 'dad'.

Paul, never seeing such ability to create torrents of air from a persons mind, stares; impressed. " Can you do that, Decker?" He points using his thumb. I gave a one shoulder shrug, " I could." I plainly state, focusing my mind and eyes on renesmee's open hand.

The flurry begins escalating in speed, gale force winds whistle, and it grows in size to a capacity; increasing big enough where I had to pull renesmee out using speed. Rain clouds take form over the house, rumbling thunder follow by cracks of lightning. I made each disappear clearing my mind and the tornado disperses in particles of dust. I was definitely great at the self-control.

" I can retract your sentiments to yourself. I could see the might and power, you hold. You know? I see how impressive your magnitude of those great abilities you possess. We have our own legends when it comes to children of fallen angels. Though in biblical and Christianity proprieties they are vastly diffident. Some were even worshiped. It's an honour to meet a son of one, even a daughter." He acclaims, touching my bicep, including and referencing my cousin.

Clara remains inside, her introductory in the family definitely had Edward nervous. It was one thing to be married to an Angel, now having a cousin by marriage of the same genetics made it enough for him to amplify his already strong sense of formality.

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