Twenty first. Resurrection

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Malachi couldn't contain the resentment he feels. his enhanced sense of hearing noticing sounds of voices, from in an aeroplane hanger. One notably belonging to his mom. Lucifer refrains his son, in doing an action which could have their position be compromised, and seen, touching below his right bicep.

" why are you stopping me, dad? We can take Malcom, two against one. mom is in danger." he chose to speak, below a whisper. " we are celestials, He is just a mortal."

The conniving devil reveals a paper folded in as a formation of a plane, having a red permanent marker smiling face. Little horns drawn precise on the top. Malachi internally pants a laugh. but he brushes it away, his mother still needed his and his father's help.

" I don't want for this low life of a man knowing you are here. detective- your mother spoke of the little cretin being taken, by Graham. Go find her, be out of sight."

Lucifer motions, using his finger in a circle, to behind three light blue shaded helicopters.

" and  silent."

It was enticing to not listen to his father, wanting in to take matters in his own accord and have the life of the corrupted cop. He was never one for violence, despite it being a different plight of situation. The safety of trixie veiled his choice. Each second Malcom Graham spoke, a crazed and deranging timbre in how he was talking, having a pistol aim to shoot his mother, made his emotions amplify.

The formed piece of parchment guides in the air, gliding in a light whoosh over Malcom's eyes. It goes in a miniature loop before placing it self down before his feet. Malachi hears the retreating shuffling of shoes, he figures his mom had ran.

" is this really what you did with your second chance of life? oh Deary me, Malcom. that is truely pathetic on your behalf, do you not think? Hmm." Lucifer begins speaking, hands press in his suit pants. He was having too much fun. noticing how the man, which tried in characterising and framing him as a murderer, became agitated; neurotic.

" Lucifer. Hey, Buddy. long time no frame. Though that didn't stick to well, now, didn't it? Now I guess i need to find a permanent solution." Malcom, through the gapes in his teeth gave a fraught smile of tension, pistol placed and aimed to Lucifer.

The devil is casual in his strides, palm facing open in meaning of wanting the gun. " hand the gun over, now, Malcom. this can all be over, and done with." Chloe focuses breathing in then out, her heart is erratic. her mind she was cursing Lucifer for trailing and following, giving a faint, abrupt gasp of air to a feeling of a hand touching her shoulder blade. " it is just me, mom. Just me."her relief begins visibly showing, taking Malachi into her embrace. how she was animated in having her son back.

He shapes his body into his mother's arms.

" you are seriously going cause your mother to grow grey hairs, at a exhilarating rate. that I will be very old looking when I am not even at the age of forty five. I told you to not follow, honey." Chloe, using a lower undertone to talk, grazes her thumb on the place of his cheekbone. a small bruise was healing.

" you have been in trouble, have you. I thought our little talk, of not causing me worry, was made understood. And you would listen, but I suppose you get that trait from your father. don't you." she chuckles. Malachi could count on his mom to joke in life or death cases, a trait her subconscious learnt.

whispering begins forming in his mind, a formidable force of peril becomes him then both eyes are shrouded, cover by a haze.

Entering a trance, an image of his father facing the hangers ceiling, blooding forming from a wound, being shot. Lying horizontal, his breathing laboured as the pain of his injury was tolling his indestructible body.

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