Chapter 4 - The Unseen Protector

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I open my eyes and find myself back in the witch cave

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I open my eyes and find myself back in the witch cave. I immediately know where I am and vamp towards the lights at the other side. Once again, I hit a barrier before I can get close to the lights.

The shadow woman is standing, waiting, for me at the exact spot we were standing the last time we spoke. I move over and stand in front of her, placing my hand on the barrier and she follows my movements doing the same thing. My eyes move from her to the lights behind her.

"The witches are plotting." Her voice echoes making me look back at her.

"What?" I question, unsure I had heard her correctly.

"Don't trust the witches." She adds as she steps back from the barrier.

"Protect them." She repeats over and over as she heads towards the lights, moving between them.

The lights flare up again, I cover my eyes with my hands and when I move them, I am back in bed.

I look next to me and find that side of the bed empty and myself alone in the room.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and head to the closet to get dressed.

I walk through the house in search of Klaus when I hear a vaguely familiar female voice coming from one of the backrooms

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I walk through the house in search of Klaus when I hear a vaguely familiar female voice coming from one of the backrooms. I head towards it confused by this unknown person in the house. I stand in the doorway as Cami diagnoses Klaus.

"I don't believe in evil as a diagnosis. I think you have unstable personal relationships, stress-related paranoia, chronic anger issues, fear of abandonment. I think you could benefit from talking to someone. Professionally."

"Sounds pretty accurate to me. Although Klaus left out half the story." I speak up as I walk into the room.

Klaus swings his gaze from Cami to me and Cami looks at me as well over the couch she is sitting on. I walk over to him as Klaus smirks at me and I smile. I turn to Cami and give her a genuine smile.

"We haven't been introduced, Cami. I am Phoebe Salvatore. The aforementioned pregnant woman. Just to set the record straight, I am more to Klaus and his brother than just a woman he accidentally got pregnant." I explain before smirking at Klaus over my shoulder.

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