Chapter 50 - Promises and Lullabies

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Days had past.

Days where not a single Mikaelson had talk to the another. 

There was a silence in the compound that had never been there since the Mikaelsons had come to New Orleans.

It was a type of silence that would make any person uncomfortable just being near it.

A haunting silence.

Because that is what is happening there, the Mikaelson are being haunted by their own memories of Phoebe, the only person who had managed to bring them all together.

The twins weren't talking to each other either, actively avoiding each other even. 

Faith blamed Hope and Hope blamed herself for what happened to their mother.

Klaus and Elijah were trying to keep their distance, not wanting to add any more tension to the already fragile situation with their own grief.

Rebekah, on the other hand, was seething with anger, blaming everyone and no one at the same time.

Finn and Cami only felt unsure of how to feel. Although they weren't as close to Phoebe as the rest, she was still their friend and family.

Kol mourned silently and watched as Kelsey fell apart right in front of him and the only thing that could soothe her would seem to be any bottle of alcohol she could get her hands on.

Delilah hadn't move from her bed. She didn't sob or wail. Her grief was horribly discreet but as persistent and almost as silent as bleeding from an unstitched wound.  

Ezra had shoved his own grief a side to take care of her.

No one knew how Hayley was, she hadn't contacted anyone since the day that Phoebe had died.

Freya had thrown all her attention and efforts into Phoebe's funeral, trying to put her grief to good work. 

While Henrik had been lost among those who are mourning, unsure of his place anymore.

As the days passed, the weight of Phoebe's absence only seemed to grow heavier. 

The haunting silence that had taken over the Mikaelson compound became unbearable.

Phoebe had been the glue that held their family together, and now that she was gone, they were falling apart.

Freya didn't even know where her siblings were most of the time but she would be damned if she didn't let Phoebe's kids get a proper goodbye to their mother.

Freya spent countless hours planning Phoebe's funeral. She wanted to make sure that it was perfect, that it reflected who Phoebe was as a person and as a mother. 

Freya knew that this was the only thing she could do for Phoebe now, to give her the send-off she deserved.

Freya stands in the streets with Hope as they wait for Faith, Henrik and the others to join them in the funeral procession.

Hope shakes her head in disappointment as she glances over at Freya, "Aunt Freya, can we just start this. They aren't coming."

Freya looks at Hope with a frown etched on her face, "We can't start without them. Phoebe was their family too, and they deserve to say goodbye just like we do."

Hope looks down at her shoes and kicks at the pebbles on the ground, "I know, but you know as much as I do that they aren't going to coming. I haven't seen any of them in days, and I doubt that will change today."

Freya sighs, knowing that Hope was right. 

Despite her efforts, their family seemed to be falling apart in the wake of Phoebe's death.

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