Chapter 35 - When the Past Comes Knocking

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I tap my thumbs against me knee as I sit in the damn uncomfortable plastic chair, waiting for the lady behind the desk to call my name

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I tap my thumbs against me knee as I sit in the damn uncomfortable plastic chair, waiting for the lady behind the desk to call my name. I know there is probably and quicker ways for me to do this but I just need a ounce of normalcy about one aspect of this.

"Phoebe?" the lady behind calls and I lift my head, giving her a smile as I stand.

The door to the offices open and I look at it as I make it to the reception desk. Kelsey walks in and I am a little surprised to see her, "Why are you here?" I ask here, confused,

"Delilah and Rebekah out of town, you really think I was going to let you do this by yourself?" Kelsey says with a grin, "Not to mention I am back to avoiding Kol."

I roll my eyes while I smile and give her a small nod before walking through the door, following the woman to the examination room.

"Put these on and the doctor will be with you in a moment." She says as she hands me a paper gown. She closes the door and Kelsey sits on the edge of the examination chair as I start to change.

As I change into the flimsy paper gown, I can't help but feel exposed. Kelsey notices my discomfort and tries to lighten the mood by cracking a joke, but it falls flat. I appreciate her effort though.

"Get off the chair, Kels." I say as I shoo her off the examination chair.

Kelsey rolls her eyes as she slips off of it and sits on the chair against the wall as I sit where she was a moment ago.

The door opens and a middle-aged man in a white coat walks in with a clipboard in his hand. He greets me with a smile and introduces himself as Dr. Hernandez. I give him a small smile in return, still feeling uneasy about the situation.

He starts with a series of basic questions, asking about my medical history and any symptoms I may be experiencing. I have to lie about most of the answers as my real answer would raise many questions.

After Dr. Hernandez finishes his initial questions and asks me to lie down on the examination table.

"Since you don't know how far along you may be, we will start with external ultrasound and if we don't find anything then we will move to internal ultrasound." He explains.

I nod in understanding and Dr. Hernandez begins to apply the ultrasound gel on my belly, I feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety. A part of me wants to know for sure whether I am pregnant, while the other part is scared of what the answer might be

As Dr. Hernandez moves the ultrasound wand over my belly, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. It will be nice to pregnant again, but the circumstances surrounding this pregnancy are less than ideal, much like the last.

Finally, Dr. Hernandez speaks up. "Well, it looks like we have a baby here." He points at the monitor and I can see a tiny figure on the screen.

Kelsey leans over and looks at the monitor but she has the same look on her face as when she tries to read my french or latin spells which makes me smile.

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