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"Father, can I go watch cartoons like Natsu-nii?" The bi-color-haired boy asked softly, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"No," Enji bluntly answered.

"Can I at least play with Touya-nii and Nee-san?"

"I already told you, Shoto. No! You have to do your training to surpass All Might and follow my path as a hero"

Those words...

They stung me

Being isolated from the world...

My family...

My dreams...

My desire

But you.

You piqued my interest with your sweet smile. I never thought that I would have gotten besides Midoriya. Your thoughts seem so never-ending. Your smile. Your laugh. Your eyes. Your voice. Your kindness. Your compliments. Your stupidity. Your passion. Your opinion. Your personality.

Your everything.

They're all so lovable and lovely

Maybe that's why my feelings for you are like that too...

"Nice to meet you too, Shoto!! I'm Y/n!!" A cheery voice greeted her hands reaching out to him.

His eyes widened at the action of the small h/c-haired girl but still left her hanging nonetheless.

"It's Todoroki"

"Hm? But we're friends now, right? And friends call each other by their first names. S-so are we not friends?!" Her e/c eyes then started to be filled with tears but he immediately hushed her, not wanting to be scolded by the teacher who will report to his dad and his dad making him train much and much and much harder than before.

"..I guess"



At that moment,

I wanted to thank you for introducing yourself to me but I just couldn't bring myself to

Yet even with this type of life that I have

You ṅ̸̢̨̢̨̮̤̞͙͔͙̖̹̰̈́̾̓̂͌̉͆̿̊̌̀ͅe̶̡̛̗̠̳͙̫͙͔̤̳̱͛̈̀̈͊̓̐͗͆͂͘̚̚͝v̷̧̧̧̜̞̣̘̦͓̰̼̟̦̈́̔̔̕ȩ̴̼̗͇̝͙̘̬̜̬̖̲̔̒̅͛̄́͌̀̏̾̄͘r̶͍̰̦̳̠̓͂̍̀̆̎̈́̒̌̓̀͝ left.

And I thank you for that.

"Shoto, let's go," Enji demanded, grabbing his son by the wrists to which the small boy just returned with a cold and unfazed look.

"Hey, Shoto!! Why are you leaving me?!!" Y/n exclaimed, grabbing his other wrist making the older man tilt their head in shock and confusion.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Uhm... I-I'm his friend!!" The little girl declared with her face heating up from embarrassment. She honestly just wanted to fade away after talking to an adult like that honestly.

"Friend?.. hm, don't care. Let's go now Shoto"

I don't know how you were so persistent, it was quite annoying but I also liked that about you at the same time

Before I knew it, many years passed and yet we were still like two peas in a pod

"Together forever!! How do you like that Shoto?" The h/c girl giggled as she found herself passing on UA's entrance exam to which she immediately showed off at him.

"Never thought you could do it. Congrats, I guess.." Todoroki said, rubbing back the nape of his neck as he looked away to hide his blushing face.

"Well all it takes is determination and an inspiration to pass into in first place, thank you very much" she boasted with that same contagious smile plastered on her face

"I see, and what is that?"

"Of course, it was you, genius. I could never imagine myself being separated from you, whether that be schools or group activities"


"Y/n and Todoroki kissing on the tree. K, I, S, S, I, N, G!! Woohoo!!" The pink-toned girl exclaimed loudly, earning an embarrassed hit from the said girl who was getting shipped on to the boy with her best friend.

"Mina!! I said stop it... I already told you like so many times, Shoto and I are not lovers. It's like we've been friends for as long as I can remember, and to be honest, I can't imagine myself being with Shoto romantically.. that would be weird" Y/n nervously chuckled as she tried to shrug off the topic of the conversation for the sake of the friendship that she would always treasure.

"Dang, it's like you really don't want to be with him, huh?" Kirishima whispered with a toothed grin.

"It's not like that. Me and Shoto's relationship is platonic and I would love it if it would stay that way and besides... I-I already like someone else.." She announced, her eyes glinting slightly at the view as she bit off her lower lip and hid it from everyone's view with her hands.

But Todoroki noticed – no, he knew it as her eyes were pinned straight onto the spiky ash-blonde haired guy whose crimson eyes were looking away from her along a small smirk forming on his face as if trying to hide the fact that he was eavesdropping on them.

It pained his heart to watch his best friend take an interest in someone else that wasn't him. He wasn't the type of guy to show emotions anyway so hopefully maybe no one noticed his sudden change of gloom.

"Like someone?! How come you never told me this!! Come on Y/n, tell me who it is!! I won't bite~" Mina chuckled to which the h/c girl just rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut up! I'm keeping it a secret"

Secret? How come?

For me, it was never a secret

You were like an open book to me

If only...

If only I can make your feelings stop for a guy who isn't me...

I can't win against that

Against him

A guy who will probably treat you like how my father treated my mother

It's so frustrating

I'm begging you


Make this all stop

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐬 • || 𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚐𝚘𝚞 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ||Where stories live. Discover now