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"Tikki, spots on!! Yeah!!"

"Dumbass bitch! They could fucking see you, at least transform somewhere else!!" Bakugou angrily exclaimed as smoke started to come out of his palms. It wasn't by choice that he was watching a kid's show with Y/n – he was forced as always but that doesn't infuriate him, the show does.

"Katsuki, they're mentally ill and blind teenagers who need to save the world, cut them some slack," the h/c-haired girl said, trying to hold back her laughter.

"So? You won't find me hiding behind a pillar to change into a damn new identity!!"

"Just watch the show.."

There was a comfortable silence enveloping the two as the show continued to play on the television in the common room, making their classmates somehow get frustrated by the affection and lovey-dovey act that Y/n and Bakugou would count as friendship or mostly because they also wanted to hang out but Bakugou would kill them if they do.

Y/n gazed over at the ash-blonde guy as she made herself closer to him but not that obvious – although Bakugou already knew what she was doing he chuckled at the thought before grabbing ahold of her shoulder to pull her much close to him, making the girl squeak in embarrassment yet still had a blush on her face.

Although a certain guy just observed this scene unfold with his heterochromia eyes, he suddenly decided to just sit on the very same couch that they both sat on.

"Hey Y/n, Hello Bakugou. I want to watch this show too, don't mind me here" Todoroki muttered as Bakugou just glanced and glared at him before turning his head away.

'What in the actual fuck is he doing?! Fuck you icy-hot, I hope you fucking die!! Die!! Die!! Die!! Die!! You damn third-wheel and if Y/n isn't here right now I would fucking kill you straight up and I would NOT mourn for you, you fucking prick of a bastard!!'

The episode then paused as Y/n held up the remote as she went to the bathroom, leaving the two boys by the couch.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

"I'm watching Y/n's favorite show, I relate to some of the characters"

"No!! You ruined my time being alone with her so that you can have her, isn't it?!" The ash-blonde guy exclaimed about to throw a punch but decided not to as Y/n might come back any second

"Maybe yes, maybe not, your choice," Todoroki responded shortly as he looked back at the television.

"Listen here, icy-hot, I may be fucking silent here about my relationship with Y/n but you just never know if we're actually like.. this" Bakugou chuckled as he caught sight of Todoroki's irritated look while he crossed his fingers at him. "What the fuck is with that look of yours? Jealous?"

"No. Just curious if you actually have the balls to confess to her because the other day you really can't tell me. I think it was your superiority complex pushing you forward to be with her even though I liked her first"

"Oh hell no!! You wanna go icy-hot, huh?! I'll kill you, come here!!" Bakugou yelled about to lunge at the boy while Y/n walked by with a smile on her face.

"Hey Shoto, can you sit much closer to me? I want to feel your hot side, I just feel so chilly these days" she said softly, making him nod with a small reddish hue on his face to which Bakugou just pouted as he looked up to you.

"Yeah, but what about the sweater that I gave you?" Todoroki questioned

"I washed it yesterday and it's not yet dry, so.."

You could've just borrowed mine, idiot" Bakugou said, piping into the conversation. "But it's in my damn room, icy-hot, why don't you get it?"

At this point, the blonde had a sly smirk on his face as Todoroki just looked at him blankly yet a confused look on his face.

"Why me?"

"You're her damn friend, aren't you?!"

"Katsuki, he doesn't have to get it. Either way, I'll be fine because both of you are warm!!" Y/n exclaimed as she excitedly sat in the middle of the two, her face relaxing as it did so.

Todoroki had never felt so close with Y/n once more so this definitely made him happy before a phone call interrupted it, making him sigh deeply.

"Sorry, it's my sister. I'll just answer this.."

"Ah, don't worry! Take your time and say hi to Fuyumi for me!" The h/c-haired girl said with a gentle smile as he nodded before walking away and then she snuggled up with Bakugou even more.

"Sorry it took too long for me to answer, I was doing something so what is it, nee-san?"

"You were doing something?! I knew that I should just text you! But Shoto, how would you like to come home tomorrow? Mom said that she wanted to spend some time with us and Natsuo had some free time from his school, he just told me earlier. So are you free to go too?"

'I am free but would Bakugou spend more time with Y/n then? And then he would take advantage of it while I'm not here. Can he even make a move or confess with his pride and huge ego? I don't even think that he can but he's made it known that he can do anything no matter what that is – no, I'm just overthinking it.. everything will be fine'

"Sure, can't wait to see you and Y/n told me to say hi to you"

"Really? Then greet her for me too! Can't wait for tomorrow!!"

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