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Todoroki looked at himself in front of a mirror as he used his fingers to try and make himself tug a smile but sighed before shrugging off and getting out of the dorms to go meet up with his family once more this weekend.

He then went to check Y/n's room first to say goodbye but found that she wasn't there, maybe because of training. Yet he found her there smiling so softly – it felt so contagious yet so soft.

"Am I doing it right?" She asked, looking up to Sato to which he nodded, making the girl feel proud of her work as she was preparing a cake with the help of her classmate.

It made the two-toned-haired guy's heart flutter just by seeing her. Y/n was always fond of baking even if she wasn't an expert at it and sometimes his sister, Fuyumi, would come to help her bake. Speaking of which, he remembered that he should go to his destination.

"Ah, Shoto, I'm glad that you came by! Mom is still surprised to have you here because you know, UA stuff" Fuyumi said, rubbing the nape of her neck as she chuckled with Rei behind her, smiling.

"You must've missed Shoto's friend, Y/n, anyways Shoto how was your trip?" Rei asked, greeting her son. She had known about the friendship that her son has with the h/c-haired girl since then – she even tried to hide and put their friendship in secret from Enji but was found out.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The family then spend their time catching up to each other by telling stories about their individual lives and without even knowing it, it was about nighttime.

"I think I should go back to the alliance. I didn't ask permission from Aizawa-sensei if I could stay here until tomorrow" Todoroki apologetically said with a soft tone in his voice as he looked at his siblings but they just smiled at him full of understanding.

"It's alright Shoto, at least we get to talk to each other for quite some time"

They then smiled as Shoto left the household to go back to the UA dorms but as he was putting on his shoes, Fuyumi appeared behind him with a paper bag in her hands.

"Here Shoto, take this", said Fuyumi, handing him the bag with toys inside

"Hm? But I don't want or need this"

"Not for you! Y/n!! I was just walking around to buy some toys for the students but I remembered about her favorite show that she loves so much so I bought some merch that was there!" She exclaimed happily as she wanted to hear Y/n's reaction to the small gift as soon as Todoroki arrived back at the dorms. "Anyways, I also bought that because I know that you like her.. so feel free to take credit for getting those for her!"

His eyes widened at her words as he just looked inside the bag before looking at her sister once more before nodding. The two-toned-haired guy then waved farewell at his sister as he began to walk away with a small yet visible smile on his face.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Knock knock

"Y/n? Are you there?" Todoroki questioned about knocking much more loudly at the door but Midoriya came by with a happy grin.

"Hey, Todoroki-san!" He exclaimed before taking a look at the paper bag in Shoto's occupied hands. "Well, Y/n is asleep right now because she's so tired about what happened earlier while you were gone"

"Oh... I see"

"And she told me to tell you that there's still a slice of cake for you to try that she baked with Sato-kun!" Midoriya then rambled more and more but chuckled in embarrassment. "Sorry, anyway, is that a gift for Y/n?" He asked.

Todoroki nods and the green-haired guy immediately stays silent for a moment before nodding.

"Of course, you would.. because you like her, isn't it Todoroki-san?"

"Was it obvious?" questioned Todoroki.

The way Midoriya's voice talked to him in such a gloomy tone concerned him deeply but he couldn't do anything about it but just stare back at the green-haired boy in front of him.

"Are you telling me that you like her too? You also like Y/n?" Todoroki asked, full of concern.

"What?! No! No! No! No! Of course not Todoroki-san, I only see Y/n as a friend! And even if I do like someone it's not her!! More like a brunette is what I'm looking for.." Midoriya quickly blurted out, muttering the last one quietly.

"Alright, I understand"

"But Todoroki-san," Midoriya started. "With those feelings of yours to Y/n.. my suggestion and would probably be your safest bet is to just confess to her. If you keep those feelings to yourself then it might grow into a much bigger one and it also might hurt a lot too if you keep it hidden.."

"That is what I'm already planning but I'm waiting for the right time and-!"

"What would you do if her answer is not what you expected then?" Midoriya questioned once more but now with a much more serious look on his face.

"..I'll still try my best to show her, my feelings, but I'm not going to give up – because that is what you always do, Midoriya"

"Then, good luck to you, Todoroki-san!!"


𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐬 • || 𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚐𝚘𝚞 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ||Where stories live. Discover now