13. A Melody of Chaos

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It went almost exactly as I’d predicted.

Ruled by anger and not much else, the Governor thought little of his plan. He barrelled in through the front gate, the truck with the mounted machine gun at the head. The spikes in the yard got the tires almost immediately, sending the truck careening off the dirt path and onto the grass, where it would remain. I heard the grenade launcher go off a handful of times as they took out the watch towers. Daryl flinched with each explosion, the grip on his rifle tightening with each passing moment the M2 Browning fired upon the wooden pallets pushed up against the overpass fence.

I kept control of my breathing, gripping one of the smoke grenades in each hand.

The gate was next. I heard them crashing through it, their trucks coming to a stop in the courtyard before one of them was used to pull the door to the fenced in walkway to the cellblock’s entrance from its hinges.

Footsteps upon concrete echoed down the hallway. I straightened my back.

They made their way through the cellblock to the door down the corridor from where we stood.

Daryl and I shared a look. I gave him a confident nod.

The door was pulled open. Footsteps made their way down the hall.

With one more deep, calming breath, I pulled the safety cap from the smoke grenades and tossed them around the corner. Exclamations of surprise were drowned out by gunfire as they opened fire on the empty hallway, decorating the wall across from Daryl and I with bullet holes.

Daryl pulled the alarm whilst I waited a second longer for the smoke to fully envelop the corridor, drawing my knives and dashing around the corner.

Keeping low, I pivoted from side to side until I was close enough to make my first strike, driving one of my knives upwards into the jaw of the closest man. Beside him, someone made a sound of surprise that I silenced with one quick slash across the throat, using the momentum of that blow to pull the other knife free and spin to face my next victim. The barrel of a gun was pointed in my direction, but they were too close. I smacked it away with my forearm, easily stepping into their guard and driving my blade into their chest whilst kicking out to the side, catching another beneath the chin with my foot and sending them careening into the wall of the corridor.

A handful of them began to turn and run, trying to escape through the door they had entered through. Those that were too slow met my knife.

Daryl didn’t even fire a shot.

When the retreating group re-entered the cellblock, Carol and Rick both opened fire on them from the doorway to the side corridor.

The gunfire continued outside as Glenn and Maggie did the same, laying fire upon those left in the open. Whoever wasn’t hit by a bullet continued their retreat and I heard the trucks starting along with the Governor’s angered cries.

I made my way out of the cellblock, knowing full well I was likely covered in the blood of those I had once called friends, to find Rick and Carol descending the metal staircase in the centre.

The sounds of gunfire subsided surprisingly quick as we all ran through the front door and into the courtyard, watching as they drove off down the dirt road beyond the gate.

The Monsters Among Us  ➳  Daryl Dixon Where stories live. Discover now