Chapter 3 - Elvis Presley, The New Farmhand

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Just so you all are aware, I don't think anyone was trying to take the property from the Toofs back in the day. It's just something I made up for the story. Glad you all are liking it so far!

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"Well, howdy-do, young man."

This pompous man hopped out of the buggy and came up to me, a wide grin on his face. If I was just meeting this man without knowing who he was, I wouldn't be feeling ill towards him. If this man took Graceland, the Toofs wouldn't own it, and therefore, the mansion wouldn't be built, an office building would. That wouldn't happen on my watch.... which oddly showed the correct time.

"Haven't seen ya here before," said Mr. Louse, and the family came out of the house. He held out a hand. "Howard Louse. It's a pleasure, Mr..."

"Presley. Elvis Presley."

We shook hands, and his grip was firm. I wondered how many people this man had swindled out of their land. He boomed, "Golly, ain't that a right-strong name, huh? How are you acquainted with the Toofs? With a face like that, Lord knows you're not related to 'em."

That stab at the kind, hospitable Toofs made my heart pulse in annoyance.

"He's our guest, Mr. Louse," Lucy told him as she, Grace and Stephen stood near us. "He just arrived today."

"I see. Whereabouts are ya from, Mr. Presley?"

"Here. I grew up in Memphis, sir."

His bushy gray brows shot up to the brim of his top hat. "Is that so? I've been all around this city and have never seen you before."

What could I make up? I needed a story that would be believable to folks around here. "I keep to myself. I'm stayin' with the Toofs for the time bein' so I can get back up on my feet."

He nodded in understanding. "Oh, I see. They hired you as their stable boy."

Stable boy? Me? A star who was in two films and had a decent singing career so far? My teeth gritted, and I tried my hardest not to retort that. The Toofs saw my irritation.

"It is as he said, Mr. Louse," said Lucy. "He's stayin' with us for the time bein', and he will earn his keep."

"By bein' a farmhand," he retorted, and my hands balled into fists in my pockets. Well, it was what I agreed to, but I still hated being called such a thing. He continued, "Well, Stephen, you wouldn't need to hire a farm hand if you would just agree to my proposition. Nor would you need to make the trip all the way into town to your office."

Wait, where was the buggy that took Stephen into town if he traveled? Maybe it was inside the barn, and Daisy pulled it.

"I told ya time and time again, that we're not sellin'," Stephen said firmly. "Now, would you kindly leave private property that you are not welcomed on?"

The two men glared at each other, a look of determination on both of their faces. Neither one wanted to back down. Mr. Louse said, chin up, "One of these days, I will convince you, and today may be the day since I have a proposition that will trump them all."

"Is that so?"

Stephen didn't sound convinced at all. Mr. Louse went on. "Yes. I talked with my people, and we agreed that what I have been offerin' ya has been too low. We're doubling it to forty grand."

Lucy gasped, as did Grace. "That high? Are you serious, Mr. Louse?" Lucy asked, and I had to prevent myself from saying that I bought it for more than double that. But the amount of money was worth something different back then. Maybe what he was offering really was about one hundred grand or thereabouts in 1880 compared to 1957.

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